以下是引用clocdo在2008-9-24 23:08:00的发言: "1 不看估值 可以看趋势 上升的时候4000点不高 下降的时候2000点不低 当然我说的合理不合理是从一个交易者来看的 不是说这个股市合理不合理, 我觉得股市本身合理不合理我们谁都不好判断吧?也没有什么好的判断标准。。 可以合理的是你的操作"
i believe we are discussing the fundamental vs. technical analysis here. In short-term, tech analysis drives the return, from the perspective of a day-trader (an extream case though where traders open book in the morning and close it in the afternoon), the value of MS (just take MS as an example here) dropped significantly last friday or so, so short selling should be the right action. As thunderwu puts it like "现在2000多你觉得公平 那你觉得多少点不公平 我当年涨得时候3000点买入的 你觉得高了吗 我4000点补点 你觉得高吗? 我后来货都出了就可以了我赚了就可以了"
Fundamentalist who looks at PL, BS and CF wont see the equity growth value dropping to such an extent within A DAY, so they gonna hold MS until something really wrong (eg. mk-t-mkt CMBS causes more write down of assets value in the future).
However, note that the INITIAL selling/buying trends are formulated based on funamental analysis. Following the trends is a strategy, while initiating/creating one is another. (from institution perspective, not retail). This to a large extent explains the stock movement after the release of star analyst report, followed by technical momentums.
"关于投资 所谓长期投资。。你这句话说得有什么指导意义吗?" I think it makes sense, and there are so many funds doing long-term (>1 yr) investment (mutual fund, pension fund, PE), they do rebalance their portfolio regularly (but not huge amount trade in/out, just fine-tune) and that where money mkt kicks in (commercial paper, rate derivatives etc). If any manager (a single person or insitutution) is able to consistently outperform SP500, it will be a great success!
Regarding the health of the chinese system, I think it's currently being discussed on general media more from technical perspective, rather than from fundamentals. That makes senses as most retail clients do not have the ability/time to do fundamental analysis (I dont know if they do understand DSS and MACD though), and are not able to gain from the fundamental analysis as insitutional investors have a much larger mkt power. Of course, I do hope chinese retail end understand the game from both two sides.
My 2 cents. The discussion between thunderwu and simbasl is great. sorry that i cannot type in chinese on company bbg station.
你牛比的。。。居然bbg上CD. 其实关于自己投资和Fund manager投资又不一样了 Fund能outperform index就是"牛比" 这个我觉得是fund长期给投资者灌输的一个错觉。。。也是他们给自己的一个借口。。。 基本面分析重要的。。做得好的话相当牛比的 尤其是对于大的资金来说 不可能做太短线的 但是是不是我们平时报告上看到valuation 呢。欧不觉得。 |