assumption确实是楼上所说的填补GAP和它因~ 举个例子把~GWD6里的题~ GWD6-Q38: Three large companies and seven small companies currently manufacture a product with potential military applications. If the government regulates the industry, it will institute a single set of manufacturing specifications to which all ten companies will have to adhere. In this case, therefore, since none of the seven small companies can afford to convert their production lines to a new set of manufacturing specifications, only the three large companies will be able to remain in business. 三家大公司和七家小公司目前都生产潜在的可以应用于军事的产品。政府将会用一系列法规规范这十家公司,让他们生产一种专业成本。如果是那样的话,由于七家小公司都无法承担转换生产线的成本,只有那三家大公司可以继续存活。assumption? Which of the following is an assumption on which the author’s argument relies?
- None of the three large companies will go out of business if the government does not regulate the manufacture of the product.
- It would cost more to convert the production lines of the small companies to a new set of manufacturing specifications than it would to convert the production lines of the large companies.
- Industry lobbyists will be unable to dissuade the government from regulating the industry.
- Assembly of the product produced according to government manufacturing specifications would be more complex than current assembly procedures.
- None of the seven small companies currently manufactures the product to a set of specifications that would match those the government would institute if the industry were to be regulated.
没有任何一家小公司现在的生产线匹配政府要求的生产线的。可以算所是一个它因,题中给出的无法承担转换成本是一个原因,而以前的生产线不符合规则就是另外一个原因了。将这个选项取非:小公司以前的生产线匹配转换后的,那么它们根本就不用转换了,也不用承担转换成本,那么结论“小公司无法存活”就不成立了。取非结论不成立是检验一个ASSUMPTION的标准。 |