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6 Qs from Taiwanese Cram School

发表于 2003-5-4 15:19:00 | 只看该作者

6 Qs from Taiwanese Cram School

Thank you for your help! You are the best!!!!

6. Teenagers are often priced out of the labor market by the government-mandated minimum-wage level because employers cannot afford to pay that much for extra help. Therefore, if Congress institutes a subminimum wage, a new lower legal wage for teenagers, the teenage unemployment rate, which has been rising since 1960, will no longer increase.
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the argument above?
(A)Since 1960 the teenage unemployment rate has risen when the minimum wage has risen
(B)Since 1960 the teenage unemployment rate has risen even when the minimum wage remained constant
(C)Employers often hire extra help during holiday and warm weather seasons.
(D)The teenage unemployment rate rose more quickly in the 1970’s than it did in the 1960’s
(E)The teenage unemployment rate has occasionally declined in the years since 1960
7. This year the New Hampshire Division of Company X set a new a record for annual sales by that division. This record is especially surprising since the New Hampshire Division has the smallest potential market and the lowest sales or any of Company X’s divisions.

Which of the following identifies a flaw in the logical coherence of the statement above?
(A)If overall sales for Company X were sharply reduced, the New Hampshire Division’s new sales record is irrelevant to the company’s prosperity.
(B)Since the division is competing against its own record, the comparison of its sales record with that of other divisions is irrelevant
(C)If this is the first year that the New Hampshire Division has been last in sales among Company X’s divisions, the new record is not surprising at all.
(D)If overall sales for Company X were greater than usual, it is not surprising that the New Hampshire Division was last in sales.
(E)Since the New Hampshire Division has the smallest potential market, it is not surprising that it had the lowest sales.
8. After the national speed limit of 55 miles per hour was imposed in 1974, the number of deaths per mile driven on a highway fell abruptly as a result. Since then, however, the average speed of vehicles on highways has risen, but the number of deaths per mile driven on a highway has continued to fall.

Which of the following conclusions can be properly drawn from the statements above?
(A)The speed limit alone is probably not responsible for the continued reduction in highway deaths in the years after 1974.
(B)People have been driving less since 1974
(C)Driver-education courses have been more effective since 1974 in teaching drivers to drive safely
(D)In recent years highway patrols have been less effective in catching drivers who speed.
(E)The change in the pseed limit cannot be responsible for the abrupt decline in highway deaths in 1974.

9. The city’s public transportation system should be removed from the jurisdiction of the municipal government, which finds it politically impossible either to raise fares or to institute cost-saving reductions in service. If public transportation were handled by a private firm, profits would be vigorously pursued thereby eliminating the necessity for covering operating costs with government funds.
The statement above best support the conclusion that
(A)the private firms that would handle public transportation would have experience in the transportation industry
(B)political considerations would not prevent private firms from ensuring that revenues cover operating costs
(C)private firms would receive government funding if it were needed to cover operating costs
(D)the public would approve the cost-cutting actions taken by the private firm
(E)the municipal government would not be resigned to accumulating merely enough income to cover costs

10. The cost of flood damage since 1980 has been greater in areas that have adopted flood-control measures than in those that have not. Thus, flood-control projects are expensive engineering mistakes and a substantial waste of resources.

Which of the following, if true, would be most damaging to the argument above?
(A)Those areas that had not suffered flood damage before 1980 are the only ones that have not adopted flood-control measures
(B)Since 1980, those areas that have taken flood-control measures have suffered greater flood damage than they did in the previous decade
(C)The cost of flood damage has increased every year since 1980
(D)Faulty engineering has not been the only cause of the failure of flood-control projects
(E)The amount of rainfall since 1980 has been substantially greater than normal
发表于 2003-5-5 11:15:00 | 只看该作者
6,作者认为minimum--wage level 是唯一的原因,可B说了在MWL不变的情况下,失业率也是在不断增加,可见它不是主要原因,这是weaken.


8,文中只给出了两个事实,一是限速后,每英里的死亡率下降,由于每英里死亡率是 死亡数/行驶英里数,那么也许是分母增加,也许是分子减少。二是实际上车的速度上升了,但上述比率一直在下降,还是不能确定是分母增加还是分子减少,但两种可能性都存在,所以限速可能有用但不会是唯一的决定因素。

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