m47, v34 本来自我感觉数学还不错。而且复习时间太短,只有35天,所以对数学大意,一直寄托于kfc 8号上场才惨不忍睹,数学题还是挺难的,尤其是一些很长的很考阅读。一些ds题也很难确定答案 所以给大家提个醒,在gmac换题库如此不规律的情况下,有时间的话还是相对多花点时间看数学,不要把它当作不重要的东西,不然像我这样死在数学上死的心都有了。 现在很多题都不记得了。。说几个想的起来的吧 1.两个塔一个10米一个15米。给了两个塔的距离。。。用一个线把塔尖连起来,问线的长度。 这是我的第一题 2.还有很多道集合的题,就是给一个总数,说德语的多少人,说西班牙语的多少人,说日语的多少人.. 其中既说日语又说西班牙语的人数已知,说德语和日语的已知,说西班牙语的都说德语,问都不说的有多少人。 大意如此,如果我没理解错的话,不一定是说语言,不过意思就是这样。 3.还有一个星球绕另一个转,给了时间,问两个之间的距离。 (1)给了绕行的速度 (2)给了半径比。。 这个题我选的d。。不据参考价值 其他的想到了再补充 想起几个阅读 第一篇是那个decision making,挺简单的 第一段说很多公司做决定,有的用activity driven,具体解释了一下,举了个例子 第二段说有时这种不一定能取得好的效果,说result driven的方法更能取得快速的效果。最后说了原因,因为activity driven是long-term的。 出了主旨题。 第二篇是法国大革命那个。 第一段说传统的历史学家认为法国大革命爆发是由于人口增长,粮食价格上升等。后来有一个历史学家说不是的。因为事实上balabala,把前面几个都反驳了。说人口虽然增长了,但是什么什么什么。。。(这里有个题,问两个专家意见一致的地方?就是都认为人口增长了) 第二段具体的说了政治原因,关于征税的。 还有两篇是大脑结构和裁缝联盟的。。具体想不起来了。 逻辑考到了GWD上的一题 A survey of entrepreneurs who started companies last year shows that while virtually all did substantial preparatory research and planning, only half used that work to produce a formal business plan. Since, on average, the entrepreneurs without formal plans secured the capital they needed in half the time of those with plans, these survey results indicate that, in general, formal plans did not help the entrepreneurs who produced them to secure the capital they needed.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
- Companies started by entrepreneurs who had used formal business plans to attract investment were on the whole as profitable in their first year as were companies started by entrepreneurs who had not produced such plans.
- In surveys of entrepreneurs who have attempted without success to raise sufficient capital, more than half of the respondents indicate that they have produced a formal business plan.
- Among the entrepreneurs surveyed, those who did not produce formal business plans sought and received a much larger proportion of their capital from investors with whom they had a long-standing business relationship.
- The entrepreneurs surveyed who did not produce a formal business plan spent nearly as much time doing preparatory research and planning as the entrepreneurs who produced plans.
- The entrepreneurs who produced business plans generally reported later that the process of writing the plan had increased their confidence that their company would succeed.
作文:AA是那个百货公司经理认为应减少服装部,增加家居 AI是随着跨国公司的发展,人们之间的相同越来越多,不同越来越少 还有语法比gwd简单多了。。我做v的时候一直很难过,以为进了低分库,但是逻辑又不是很简单,搞的很紧张。大家做到语法觉得简单也不要担心.. 还有考试的时候真的很紧张,阅读和逻辑都没看下去。还是要提高阅读能力,不然会很惨。 要二战了,大家加油!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-12 10:31:16编辑过] |