以下是引用littleca在2008-9-1 16:14:00的发言:I don't know anyone among Chinese students who is re-applicant but I heard Wharton has been quite re-applicant friendly. But since the admission director has changed this year, I don't know whether/how the policy will vary. Anyway those factors are out of our control so if you can demonstrate in your package that you have significantly improved your test score, or your understanding of leadership, or your management experiences, or have justified your career goal, etc, why not have a try? As you were not able to schedule a feedback chat, you can check the published profile of class 2010 to see in which part you might need to work on. Wish u very best of luck! Thanks for littleca, just wondering how to improve, hehe, and extremely hope can chat with insider.... hehe, anyway, quite appreciate your help and advice! as for the new adm director change, any new policy or changes made already if you know? many thanks! |