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[校友答疑] Wharton10 taking questions(校园秋色)

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发表于 2008-9-1 11:14:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用phenomena在2008-9-1 9:50:00的发言:
lauder program目前为止有没有招中国学生?比较关心这个项目的tuition和奖学金等问题

如果你母语不是中文,但是很想到中国或者中国语言文化环境的地方从事工作,Lauder program是一个很好的选择。
然后如果你的母语是中文,applying for lauder program就很奇怪。也许你仔细阅读一下Lauder的介绍信息,你就更加清楚了。
这个项目的学费要比一般的MBA高,因为它开学早,同时还包括到当地国家去相当长时间的immersion program。


发表于 2008-9-1 11:15:00 | 只看该作者
如果你除了英文和中文以外的其他一门外语很好,可以申请那个trek的lauder。lauder trek不招native speaker,就是说,中文lauder不招中国人。
我遇到的中文lauder项目的人,都是ABC, 新加坡人,还有很多在中国呆过或者学过中文的老外等。
发表于 2008-9-1 11:19:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用Zoolantz在2008-8-30 2:14:00的发言:
谢谢小土狗的解答,其实我本身比较easy going,只不过听到不止一个人跟我说wharton里有很多aggressive的人,因为毕竟好多是从投行之类的金融机构出来的。wharton有没有像其它学校那样有个Dean's List呢? 如果能上到那个list上,对于找好工作就会很有帮助了。所以我到是认为,不管要付出多少,还是应该尽可能的去以最优的成绩完成学业,花了那么多的时间和金钱,再学不到些真才实学就太可惜了。

学校有dean list,的确有些公司招聘的时候是要看成绩的,但是有几个公司明确对成绩不是很感兴趣。因人而异啦。


发表于 2008-9-1 11:22:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用watsons2008在2008-8-4 23:54:00的发言:







发表于 2008-9-1 11:32:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用Zoolantz在2008-8-28 2:47:00的发言:



Do you think you cannot be too nice to everyone if you want to finish in the top of your class?

试问有多少人辞掉工作,花了一大笔钱跑到小城来念书,是为了炫耀自己读书多好,可以拿top?If so,为啥要念MBA?而不是念个PHD?

我的一些体验,学校安排了很多促进同学友谊的活动,包括我们刚刚结束的learning team retreat.
我们划船,我们攀岩,我们玩egg and chicken,我们玩德州扑克,甚至大打大怪路子... ...很多原来不熟的同学一下子成为了好朋友。

关于Bid system,我觉得很合理。如果没有这个bid system,你会看到更加混乱的选课情况。bid system其实是在维护一种公平。

发表于 2008-9-1 11:48:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用swyQQ在2008-9-1 8:40:00的发言:
Thanks Littleca. Understand that I may not be granted any offer at all, but as I said, I simply want to avoid a potential difficult situation where I will have to accept one offer while having to let go potentially a better one simply because the first one's due and the better one's not come yet. Simply telling me how much time in between the notification of offer and the deadline for accepting it for a typical Wharton offer will do. Thanks.

It varies from round to round. If you do want to know, you can email admission office telling them you "simply want to avoid the potential difficult situation" and ask for their advice.

发表于 2008-9-1 11:58:00 | 只看该作者
right. Seems you didn't do the first round. Can anyone who gets first round offer last year let me know the deadline for accepting the offer?
发表于 2008-9-1 12:17:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用swyQQ在2008-9-1 11:58:00的发言:
right. Seems you didn't do the first round. Can anyone who gets first round offer last year let me know the deadline for accepting the offer?

Oh, gee! What is your problem?
People here are volunteering their time for your information. Remember it is not their obligations to give you the answers.
Please try to consider your manners if you are asking for a help.

You questions shall be the last one you shall concern, because you will be given enough time to weigh your different offers. Lots of people received offers from multiple top B-Schools previously, and they all made their well-evaluated decisions. We can not offer you the exact date for the answer, but  I make sure that the situation you are worrying will not happen in case of Wharton.

By the way, if you do not like a program, never try to apply for it. No one will enter a school they do not like as the cost is much higher than they can expect.

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-1 12:17:32编辑过]
发表于 2008-9-1 12:29:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用josephhe在2008-9-1 12:17:00的发言:

People here are volunteering their time for your information. Remember it is not their obligations to give you the answers.
Please try to consider your manners if you are asking for a help.


By the way, if you do not like a program, never try to apply for it. No one will enter a school they do not like as the cost is much higher than they can expect.

Cannot agree more. Especially as Wharton students have the opportunity to get invovled in admission process, I sincerely encourage prospective students to show the best of yourself and be nice to people.

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-9-1 12:31:45编辑过]
发表于 2008-9-1 13:00:00 | 只看该作者
Interesting. Appreciate your answer and thanks for your time. My question was quite simple actually. BTW, I do like Wharton but that should not keep me from exploring other opportunities. Think you are likely to agree with me as it is rare that an applicant only applies to one school.
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