Today a professor mentioned some information during class which might be useful to all prospective students: 1. GMAT is important because it is a standardized test that can evaluate the academic quality of students from all over the world. Adcom knows grading policies vary among different countries/schools thus gpa is not comparable. 2. Now Wharton uses his/her highest GMAT score when evaluates each applicant. However, this policy is likely to change soon and average GMAT will be taken into consideration. The reason is that the school does not want to put in disadvantage those students who cannot afford re-taking GMAT again and again. I'm not clear how much faculty involves in admission process and where the professor got this information, but I see no harm to pay attention to GMAT because it is the only part in application easy to improve.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-17 11:46:34编辑过] |