以下是引用会飞的小蘑菇在2008-6-9 23:50:00的发言: 我有朋友美国这边考3级,说简直是哭声一片奇难无比时间根本不够用。。。说这话的都是美国人。 No kidding ! I usually consider myself a speed reader. I did the 2006 and 2007 morning portions during my study and in both cases I still had 30 mins left on the clock. So this was totally unexpected. I know for a fact that I missed quite a few easy questions simply due to the panic and time pressure. How can the CFAI do this to us after all we have been through ! What kind of fucking watch do they use? They said that it requires 250 hrs to study for each level? fuck that shit ! The level III curriculum alone is over 3600 pages ! even for 10min per page, this is over 600+ hours !! I just pray that I don't have to do this again next year.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-10 0:51:24编辑过] |