题号:OG11-CR-10 题目: Not all life depends on energy from sunlight. Microbial life has been found in bedrock more than five kilometers below the surface of the Earth, and bacteria have been found on the deep ocean floor feeding on hydrogen and other gases rising from the interior of the Earth through vents in the ocean floor. The statements above, if true, best support which of the following as a conclusion? (A) The location in the bedrock where microbial life was found was not near a system of volcanic vents through which hydrogen and other gases rose from the interior of the Earth. (B) Bacteria are able to exist at the molten(熔化的) center of the Earth. (C) A thorough survey of a planet's surface is insufficient to establish beyond a doubt that the planet contains no life. (D) Life probably exists on Sun-orbiting comets, which are cold agglomerations of space dust and frozen gases. (E) Finding bacterial remains in coal and oil would establish that the bacteria had been feeding on substances that had not been produced from the energy of sunlight. Argument Construction Situation Microbes found five kilometers below the surface of the Earth and bacteria found on the deep ocean floor are both evidence that not all life depends on sunlight. Reasoning What conclusion may be drawn from this statement? Since the passage includes information about both microbes below Earth's surface and bacteria on the ocean floor, the conclusion must embrace both situations. The conclusion will not be a specific statement about either one or the other, but rather a general statement about both. What is true equally of the microbes and bacteria discussed here? They are both life forms that exist far below the surface of the Earth. A The conclusion must include both microbes and bacteria, not simply microbes. B The conclusion must include both microbes and bacteria, not simply bacteria. C Correct. This statement properly uses the existence of the microbes far below the land's surface and of the bacteria far below the ocean's surface to draw a general conclusion about the potential existence of life below the surface of a planet. D The passage provides no evidence about comets to lead to this conclusion. E The conclusion must include both microbes and bacteria, not simply bacteria. The correct answer is C. 题型: 归纳题 解答: dingxiang 的思路: 题目问的是conclusion,做这种题目就像做阅读的主题题一样, 可以参考xdf的”三出现原则” , 即 主题出现, 细节不出现, 没有提到的东西不出现. 题干中, 第一句上来就是主题句, 后面都是支持这个主题的evidence. 所以根据原则, 两个支持结论的细节不能出现.(以上其实就是OG解释里面说的话, 给我们指明了解conclusion题目的方向,所以请好好看看highlight出来的部分). 5 个选项: (A) The location in the bedrock where microbial life was found was not near a system of volcanic vents through which hydrogen and other gases rose from the interior of the Earth. 错误在于 片面地只说了microbial life,而且 其后的说在不是在xxx找到, 在原文中根本没有提到 (B) Bacteria are able to exist at the molten center of the Earth. 错误在于 片面地只说了Bacteria, 而且信息也错误, 文中是说bacteria在ocean floor中被找到, 它们靠从ocean floor冒出来的气体存活, 没有说ocean floor 就是the molten center of the Earth Ps. 我觉得A/B 两个选项将microbial life和Bacteria在文中的信息交织在一起, A选项的后半部分更像在说Bacteria, 而B选项的后半部分也更像在说microbial life, 所以考试时要小心, 别被ETS迷惑了
(C) A thorough survey of a planet's surface is insufficient to establish beyond a doubt that the planet contains no life. 正确. 意思是:对一个星球表面的彻查(没查到生命)不足以证明该星球不存在生命,因为生命有可能位于表面以下很深的位置。 (D) Life probably exists on Sun-orbiting comets, which are cold agglomerations of space dust and frozen gases. 莫名其妙, 原文根本没有提到earth之外的comets (E) Finding bacterial remains in coal and oil would establish that the bacteria had been feeding on substances that had not been produced from the energy of sunlight. 完全是原文信息之外的东西, 不仅是片面的,(只提bacteria), 而且subjects 不同 ( “bacteria have been found on the deep ocean floor” vs bacterial remains in coal and oil ), 所以看到oil, 晓得 这是指鹿为马之后, 就根本不用再看下去了. orange2005的解答: E,在煤和石油中发现了细菌的残骸,并不表示细菌曾经在吃不是太阳能量产生的物质,也可能是细菌“生前”的时候就是在吃太阳能量产生的物质,而死了以后被埋到了地下、现在和煤、石油一起。 换一种说法,假如在煤和石油中发现了秦始皇的残骸,也并不表示秦始皇曾经在吃不是太阳能量产生的物质。道理是一样的。 所以,E错。 E选项的迷惑就在于:bacteria和bacterial remains是两码事,一个是活生生的东东(题干中提到的就是这种还活的东东),另一个是死翘翘的东东(在E选项中)。 再说明白一点,假如说,现在,我们在煤和石油中发现了秦始皇,那就一定表示秦始皇在吃不是太阳能量产生的物质。。。呵呵。。。这里,假如把E项改成bacteria而不是bacterial remains,那么E的推理就对了。但是尽管如此,E想要成为本题的一个结论,还是不行。因为E选项不是归纳出来的一个结论,而更象是演绎出来的一个例子。
C: a thourough survey of a planet's surface is insufficient to establish beyond a doubt that the planet contains no life.= a thourough survey of a planet's surface can still build a believing that the planet contains life. 意思就是说,我们光对一个星球的表面的调查,不足以让我们去怀疑这个星球没有生命(是啊,原因就是题目中提到的,Not all life depends on energy from sunlight.)
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