主要是要看懂题目问的是什么: The argument is vulnerable to criticism on thegrounds that it gives reason tobelieve that it is likely that 也就是说,题目让考生指出这篇argument推理中的“问题”,而不是选择一个选项直接削弱它
C选项很好的指出了这个问题,满足要求。这里的an exception to the generalization我认为,应该是顾客来光顾的目的不一样,因为整篇文章是建立在顾客来餐厅时为了看celebrities的前提上,C直接指出这个前提
如果题目改成这样:The argument is vulnerable to criticism because 那就应该是选D
另外,我觉得,文章中说坐高脚凳的顾客呆的时间会比较短,虽然这个中间会有gap,不过文章的目的还是为了给出 an evidence to support that the profits will increase,而不只是单纯描述一个普遍现象 因为顾客逗留时间越短,客流量会越大
"The main difference between flaw and weakening questions is in the types of answers that we see. For flaw, the answers are general statements about the logic of the argument, one of which accurately characterizes the problem; for weakening, the answers are true facts about the world, one of which makes us doubt that the conclusion is true"