一. 循环论证定义 循环论证(又称为乞词魔术等),用来证明论题的论据本身的真实性要依靠论题来证明的逻辑错误。如证明“鸦片能催眠”,所用的论据是“它有催眠的力量”。而“鸦片有催眠的力量”,又要借助于“它能催眠”来证明。这就是犯了循环论证的错误。
二. 两个简单例子 一个瘦子问胖子:“你为什么长的胖?” 胖子回答:“因为我吃的多。” 瘦子又问胖子:“你为什么吃的多?” 胖子回答:“因为我长的胖。”
士兵许三多: 他说:“人要做有意义的事。”可什么是有意义呢?他说:“有意义就是要好好活。”可怎样才算是好好活呢?他说:“好好活就是要做很多有意义的事。”
三. 论证结构 最简单的循环论证是以下结构的。对一些命题p: p 蕴含 p 假设 p 所以, p成立。
可是这种结构更加常见: p 蕴含 q q 蕴含 r r 蕴含 p 假设 p 所以, q成立 所以, r成立 所以, p成立。 四. GMAT题举例 1.大全-c-14 14. Dr. A: The new influenza vaccine is useless at best and possibly dangerous. I would never use it on a patient. Dr. B: But three studies published in the Journal of Medical Associates have rated that vaccine as unusually effective. Dr. A: The studies must have been faulty because the vaccine is worthless. In which of the following is the reasoning most similar to that of Dr. A? (A) Three of my patients have been harmed by that vaccine during the past three weeks, so the vaccine is unsafe. (B) Jerrold Jersey recommends this milk, and I don’t trust Jerrold Jersey, so I won’t buy this milk. (C) Wingzz tennis balls perform best because they are far more effective than any other tennis balls. (D) I’m buying Vim Vitamins. Doctors recommend them more often than they recommend any other vitamins, so Vim Vitamins must be good. (E) Since University of Muldoon graduates score about 20 percent higher than average on the GMAT, Sheila Lee, a University of Muldoon graduate, will score about 20 percent higher than average when she takes the GMAT. 答案为C 原文:studies说疫苗有效--Dr. A认为studies是错的--也就是“疫苗无效”。即studies是错的=疫苗无效 题干中最后一句话:Dr. A:因为疫苗无效,所以studies是错的。 换言之:Dr. A:因为疫苗无效,所以疫苗无效。因就是果,果就是因,犯了循环论证的错误。 C:因为比任何都好,所以是最好的。即比任何都好 = 是最好的,因就是果,果就是因,犯了循环论证的错误。 因此,二者等同。 循环论证表现在: 因为疫苗无效,所以studies是错的。因为studies是错的,所以疫苗无效。 因为比任何都好,所以是最好的。因为是最好的,所以比任何都好。
2.大全test A-15 15. Alba: I don’t intend to vote for Senator Frank in the next election. She is not a strong supporter of the war against crime. Tam: But Senator Frank sponsored the latest anticrime law passed by the Senate. Alba: If Senator Frank sponsored it, it can’t be a very strong anticrime law. Which of the following identifies the most serious logical flaw in Alba’s reasoning? (A) The facts she presents do not support her conclusion that Senator Frank is soft on crime. (B) She assumes without proof that crime is the most important issue in the upcoming election. (C) She argues in a circle, using an unsupported assertion to dismiss conflicting evidence. (D) She attacks Senator Frank on personal grounds rather than on he merit as a political leader. (E) In deciding not to vote for Senator Frank, she fails to consider issues other than crime. 答案为C Tam 说Senator Frank支持了一个反犯罪法律,Alba认为Senator Frank不是一个反犯罪运动的支持者——If 反犯罪法律是效果不明显(not a very strong)的,那么Senator Frank将支持它 而题干:If Senator Frank sponsored it, it can’t be a very strong anticrime law.其中, If A,B同时If B, A,陷入循环论证 五. 判定思路 以下两点本质上是一样的: 1. 问自己,因为A,所以B中,是否可以根据以知信息得出A=B.(如大全-c-14) 2. 问自己,因为A,所以B中,是否可以根据以知信息得出因为B,所以A(如大全test A-15) 如果以上两点中任何一点是的话,则犯了循环论证的错误。 |