按照CFAinstitute的规则,完成三级考试后,协会发email给你要求你验证工作经验。不符合经验的激活为affiliate membership,符合经验的激活为regular membership,两者的待遇一样都是CFA member,但是regular membership具有申请CFA商标使用权的权力,而affiliate membership在达到工作经验要求后,自动转为regular membership. 成为会员后,affiliate member不能直接在名片上加印CFA字样,需在CFA字样后加上“affiliate member”字样,但是这么做的前提是每年必须缴纳接近300美元的会费。而以前的candiate称谓将在三级考试通过后作废。 Affiliate Membership To qualify for affiliate membership, you must meet both of the following criteria: 1. Agree to adhere to and sign the Member’s Agreement and Professional Conduct Statement 2. Fulfill society requirements, which vary by society Once you’re approved for affiliate membership by a society, you automatically become an affiliate member of CFA Institute. Affiliate members receive the same benefits as regular members, but do not have voting rights. Note: Affiliate membership does not qualify you for the award of the CFA charter. You will need to update your work experience and apply to become a regular member in order to get your charter. If you don’t have the work experience but are on the charterholder path, we’ll assign you affiliate membership status. Candidates are often first approved as affiliate members. CFA member(including affiliate and regular member) 2007年大陆地区薪水调查 (A total of 163 members responded to the survey, and 123 members are included in this report, representing 11 percent of the CFA Institute membership in China.So we can see that 1218 person have passed all the three examination in China now) CFA member(affiliate and regular) salary survey 2007: ![](http://img.photo.163.com/IxDg14c_nLoOO2gPVxws_g==/3161526938414102834.jpg)
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-4-29 18:17:19编辑过] |