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二战日记- GWD/OG/PP全汉化

 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-7 13:37:00 | 只看该作者

1.        GWD-5-Q22 to Q25 IT技术为什么没有给企业带来竞争优势

      Most pre-1990 literature on businesses’ use of information technology

       (IT)—defined as any form of computer-

       based information system—focused on

  (5)      spectacular IT successes and reflected

a general optimism
            concerning IT’s poten-

tial as a resource for creating competitive



But toward the end of the

1980’s, some economists spoke of a

 (10)      “productivity paradox”:  despite huge IT

investments, most notably in the service

sectors, productivity stagnated. 


In the
retail industry, for example, in which IT

had been widely adopted during the

 (15)      1980’s, productivity (average output per

hour) rose at an average annual rate of

1.1 percent between 1973 and 1989, com-

pared with 2.4 percent in the preceding

25-year period.


 Proponents of IT argued

 (20)      that it takes both time and a critical mass

       of investment for IT to yield benefits, and

       some suggested that growth figures for

the 1990’s proved these benefits were

finally being realized.


 They also argued

 (25)      that measures of productivity ignore what

would have happened without investments

in IT—productivity gains might have been

even lower. 


There were even claims that

IT had improved the performance of the

 (30)      service sector significantly, although mac-

roeconomic measures of productivity did

not reflect the improvement.


      But some observers questioned why,

       if IT had conferred economic value, it did

 (35)      not produce direct competitive advantages

for individual firms.



theory offers an answer, asserting that,

in general, firms gain competitive advan-

tages by accumulating resources that are

 (40)      economically valuable, relatively scarce,

and not easily replicated.


 According to

a recent study of retail firms, which con-

firmed that IT has become pervasive

and relatively easy to acquire, IT by

 (45)      itself appeared to have conferred little



 In fact, though little evidence

of any direct effect was found, the frequent negative correlations between IT

and performance suggested that IT had

 (50)      probably weakened some firms’ competitive positions. 


However表递进, firms’ human

resources, in and of themselves, did

explain improved performance, and

some firms gained IT-related advan-

 (55)      tages by merging IT with complementary

resources, particularly human resources.


The findings support the notion, founded

in resource-based theory, that competi-

tive advantages do not arise from easily

 (60)      replicated resources, no matter how

impressive or economically valuable

they may be, but from complex, intangible resources.


 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-9 16:59:00 | 只看该作者

1.        GWD-5-Q35 to Q37白杨树为什么要惹火烧身呢

      Even more than mountainside

       of mud or snow, naturally occurring forest

       fires promote the survival of aspen trees.


Aspens’ need for fire may seem illogical

  (5)      since aspens are particularly vulnerable

to fires; whereas the bark of most trees

consists of dead cells, the aspen’s bark

is a living, functioning tissue that—along

with the rest of the tree—succumbs quickly

(10)            to fire.提出现象


      The explanation is that each aspen,

while appearing to exist separately as

a single tree, is in fact only the stem or

shoot of a far larger organism. 


A group
of thousands of aspens can actually

constitute a single organism, called a

clone, that shares an interconnected root

system and a unique set of genes. 


Thus, when one aspen—a single stem—dies,

 (20)      the entire clone is affected.  While alive,

a stem sends hormones into the root

system to suppress formation of further



 But when the stem dies, its

       hormone signal also ceases.


 If a clone
loses many stems simultaneously, the

resulting hormonal imbalance triggers a

huge increase in new, rapidly growing

shoots that can outnumber the ones



An aspen grove needs to

 (30)      experience fire or some other disturbance

regularly, or it will fail to regenerate and



Instead, coniferous trees will

       invade the aspen grove’s borders and

increasingly block out sunlight needed by

the aspens.


 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-9 17:00:00 | 只看该作者

1.        GWD-6-Q5 to Q7发生在北美的史前物种灭绝是人为的么

      According to a theory advanced

       by researcher Paul Martin, the wave

       of species extinctions that occurred

in North America about 11,000 years

  (5)      ago, at the end of the Pleistocene era,

can be directly attributed to the arrival

of humans, i.e., the Paleoindians, who

were ancestors of modern Native



 However, anthropologist

 (10)      Shepard Krech points out that large

animal species vanished even in areas

where there is no evidence to demon-

strate that Paleoindians hunted them.


Nor were extinctions confined to large

 (15)      animals:  small animals, plants, and

insects disappeared, presumably not

all through human consumption. 


also contradicts Martin’s exclusion of

climatic change as an explanation by

 (20)      asserting that widespread climatic

       change did indeed occur at the end of

       the Pleistocene. 

K同时质疑 M的关于气候变更的结论,指出大规模的气候变更并没有在]P时期的末期出现。

Still, Krech attributes

secondary if not primary responsibility

for the extinctions to the Paleoindians,

 (25)      arguing that humans have produced

local extinctions elsewhere.


 But, according to historian Richard White,

even the attribution of secondary

responsibility may not be supported

(30)            by the evidence. 


(31)            White observes that

Martin’s thesis depends on coinciding

dates for the arrival of humans and the

       decline of large animal species, and

Krech, though aware that the dates

 (35)      are controversial, does not challenge



yet recent archaeological

discoveries are providing evidence

that the date of human arrival was

much earlier than 11,000 years ago.


 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-9 17:00:00 | 只看该作者

1.        GWD-6-Q9 to Q12小树懒为什么要往他妈背上爬

      The sloth bear, an insect-eating

       animal native to Nepal, exhibits only one

       behavior that is truly distinct from that of

other bear species: 


the females carry

  (5)      their cubs (at least part-time) until the

cubs are about nine months old, even

though the cubs can walk on their own

at six months. 


Cub-carrying also occurs

among some other myrmecophagous

 (10)      (ant-eating) mammals; therefore, one

explanation is that cub-carrying is

necessitated by myrmecophagy, since

myrmecophagy entails a low metabolic

rate and high energy expenditure in

(15)            walking between food patches.


(16)             However, although polar bears’ locomotion

is similarly inefficient, polar bear cubs

walk along with their mother. 


Furthermore, the daily movements of sloth

 (20)      bears and American black bears—

       which are similar in size to sloth bears

       and have similar-sized home ranges—

reveal similar travel rates and distances,

suggesting that if black bear cubs are

 (25)      able to keep up with their mother, so

too should sloth bear cubs.长毛熊cub-carrying的一种解释及缺陷


 An alternative explanation is defense

from predation.  Black bear cubs use

trees for defense, whereas brown bears

 (30)      and polar bears, which regularly inhabit

treeless environments, rely on aggression to protect their cubs. 


Like brown
    bears and polar bears (and unlike other

myrmecophagous mammals, which are

               noted for their passivity), sloth bears

are easily provoked to aggression.


Sloth bears also have relatively large

canine teeth, which appear to be more

functional for fighting than for foraging.

 (40)     Like brown bears and polar bears,

sloth bears may have evolved in an

environment with few trees.


 They are
especially attracted to food-rich

grasslands; although few grasslands

 (45)      persist today on the Indian subcontinent,

this type of habitat was once wide-

spread there.


 Grasslands support

high densities of tigers, which fight and

sometimes kill sloth bears; sloth bears

 (50)      also coexist with and have been killed

by tree-climbing leopards, and are often

confronted and chased by rhinoceroses

and elephants, which can topple trees.


Collectively these factors probably

 (55)      selected against tree-climbing as a

defensive strategy for sloth bear cubs.


Because sloth bears are smaller than

brown and polar bears and are under

greater threat from dangerous animals,

 (60)      they may have adopted the extra precaution of carrying their cubs.


cub-carrying may also be adoptive for

myrmecophagous foraging, the behavior

of sloth bear cubs, which climb on their

 (65)      mother’s back at the first sign of danger,

suggests that predation was a key


 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-9 17:00:00 | 只看该作者

1.        GWD-6-Q23 to Q26寻找钻石的新思路 

      Diamonds are almost impos-

       sible to detect directly because they

       are so rare:  very rich kimberlite

pipes, the routes through which

  (5)      diamonds rise, may contain only

three carats of diamonds per ton

of kimberlite.


  Kimberlite begins as

magma in Earth’s mantle (the layer

between the crust and the core). 


the magma smashes through layers

of rock, it rips out debris, creating

a mix of liquid and solid material.


Some of the solid material it brings

up may come from a so-called

 (15)      diamond-stability field, where condi-

tions of pressure and temperature

are conducive to the formation of



 If diamonds are to survive, though, they must shoot toward

(20)            Earth’s surface quickly.  Otherwise,

       they revert to graphite or burn.


       Explorers seeking diamonds look

for specks of “indicator minerals”

peculiar to the mantle but carried up

 (25)      in greater quantities than diamonds

and eroded out of kimberlite pipes

into the surrounding land.


 The standard ones are garnets, chromites,

and ilmenites.  One can spend years

 (30)      searching for indicators and tracing

them back to the pipes that are their


最标准的是garnets, chromites以及 ilmenites。人们可以花上成年的时间来搜寻并且追踪到他们的藏身之所。

however, 90 percent of

       kimberlite pipes found this way are

barren of diamonds, and the rest

(35)          are usually too sparse to mine.钻石的形成过程及探察方法:寻找indicator …


      In the 1970’s the process of

locating profitable pipes was refined

by focusing on the subtle differ-

ences between the chemical

 (40)     signatures of indicator minerals

found in diamond-rich pipes as

opposed to those found in barren



 For example, G10 garnets,

a type of garnet typically found in

 (45)      diamond-rich pipes, are lower in

calcium and higher in chrome than

garnets from barren pipes. 

例如G10 garnets,典型的富矿中的石榴石比起贫矿中的含有更低的钙但拥有更高的铬。,

Geochemists John Gurney showed that

garnets with this composition were

 (50)      formed only in the diamond-stability

field; more commonly found ver-

sions came from elsewhere in the



Gurney also found that

though ilmenites did not form in the

 (55)      diamond-stability field, there was a

link useful for prospectors:  when

the iron in ilmenite was highly

oxidized, its source pipe rarely

contained any diamonds. 


He reasoned that iron took on more or less

oxygen in response to conditions in

the kimberlitic magma itself—mainly

in response to heat and the avail-

able oxygen. 


When iron became

 (65)      highly oxidized, so did diamonds;

that is, they vaporized into carbon

dioxide. 1970年代方法的转变


 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-9 17:00:00 | 只看该作者

1.        GWD-6-Q35 to Q37批判泰国经济发展动因的某一假设

(The following is excerpted from material written

in 1992.)


      Many researchers regard Thailand’s

       recent economic growth, as reflected by its

       gross domestic product (GDP) growth rates,

as an example of the success of a modern

  (5)      technological development strategy based

on the market economics of industrialized



Yet by focusing solely on aggregate economic growth data as the measure

of Thailand’s development, these researchers have overlooked the economic impact of

rural development projects that improve

people’s daily lives at the village level—

such as the cooperative raising of water

buffalo, improved sanitation, and the development of food crops both for consumption
and for sale at local markets;


such projects

are not adequately reflected in the country’s

GDP.  These researchers, influenced by

Robert Heilbroner’s now outdated develop-

 (20)      ment theory, tend to view nontechnological

       development as an obstacle to progress.


       Heilbroner’s theory has become doctrine in

some economics textbooks:  for example,

Monte Palmer disparages nontechnological

 (25)      rural development projects as inhibiting

constructive change.


Yet as Ann Kelleher’s

two recent case studies of the Thai villages

Non Muang and Dong Keng illustrate, the


 (30)      dichotomy can lead researchers not only to

overlook real advances achieved by rural

development projects but also mistakenly to

       conclude that because such advances are

initiated by rural leaders and are based on

 (35)      traditional values and practices, they retard

“real” economic development.


发表于 2008-7-9 19:51:00 | 只看该作者
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-7-9 19:51:05编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-16 18:57:00 | 只看该作者

1.        GWD-7-Q6 to Q9实验证明经济雪茄人性自私的论调是错误的

      For many years, theoretical

       economists characterized humans

       as rational beings relentlessly

on maximizing purely selfish reward.


  (5)      Results of an experimental economics

study appear to contradict this view,



 In the “Ultimatum Game,”

two subjects, who cannot exchange

information, are placed in separate

(10)            rooms. 


(11)            One is randomly chosen to

propose how a sum of money, known

to both, should be shared between

them; only one offer, which must

be accepted or rejected without

(15)            negotiation, is allowed.老观点,新观点及其试验


      If, in fact, people are selfish and

rational, then the proposer should offer

the smallest possible share, while the

responder should accept any offer,

 (20)      no matter how small:  after all, even

       one dollar is better than nothing.


 In   numerous trials, however, two-thirds

of the offers made were between-

40 and 50 percent; only 4 percent

 (25)      were less than 20 percent. 


responders, more than half who were

offered less than 20 percent rejected

the offer. 


Behavior in the game did not

appreciably depend on the players’

(30)            sex, age, or education. 


Nor did the

amount of money involved play a

significant role:  for instance, in trials

       of the game that were conducted in

Indonesia, the sum to be shared was

               as much as three times the subjects’

average monthly income, and still

responders refused offers that they

deemed too small.试验反驳老观点


 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-16 18:57:00 | 只看该作者

1.        GWD-7-Q10 to Q12美国妇女教育源于美国的独立革命么

      Linda Kerber argued in the mid-

       1980’s that after the American Revolution

       (1775-1783), an ideology of “republican

motherhood” resulted in a surge of edu-

  (5)      cational opportunities for women in the

United States.


 Kerber maintained that

the leaders of the new nation wanted

women to be educated in order to raise

politically virtuous sons. 


A virtuous citizenry was considered essential to the

success of the country’s republican form

of government; virtue was to be instilled

not only by churches and schools, but

by families, where the mother’s role

(15)            was crucial. 


(16)            Thus, according to Kerber,

motherhood became pivotal to the fate

of the republic, providing
            justification for

an unprecedented attention to female

education.  LK的观点


 (20)            Introduction of the republican moth-

       erhood thesis dramatically changed



Prior to Kerber’s work,

educational historians barely mentioned

women and girls; Thomas Woody’s 1929

(25)            work is the notable exception.


(26)             Examining

newspaper advertisements for academies, Woody found that educational

opportunities increased for both girls

and boys around 1750. 



Pointing to “An

 (30)      Essay on Woman” (1753) as reflecting

a shift in view, Woody also claimed that

practical education for females had

       many advocates before the Revolution.


Woody’s evidence challenges the notion

               that the Revolution changed attitudes

regarding female education, although it

may have accelerated earlier trends.


Historians’ reliance on Kerber’s “repub-

      lican motherhood” thesis may have

 (40)     obscured the presence of these trends,

making it difficult to determine to what

extent the Revolution really changed

women’s lives. Woody的观点以及和LK观点之不同


 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-16 18:58:00 | 只看该作者

1.        GWD-7-Q22 to Q25形成火山的两个机理

      Earth’s surface consists of rigid

       plates that are constantly shifting and

       jostling one another. 


Plate movements
are the surface expressions of motions

  (5)      in the mantle—the thick shell of rock

that lies between Earth’s crust and its

metallic core. 


Although the hot rock of

the mantle is a solid, under the tremendous pressure of the crust and

 (10)      overlying rock of the mantle, it flows like

a viscous liquid.


The mantle’s motions,

analogous to those in a pot of boiling

water, cool the mantle by carrying hot

material to the surface and returning

(15)            cooler material to the depths.


(16)             When

the edge of one plate bends under

another and its cooler material is con-

sumed in the mantle, volcanic activity

occurs as molten
            lava rises from the

 (20)      downgoing plate and erupts through the

       overlying one.地球板块运动及火山爆发产生


             Most volcanoes occur at plate

boundaries.  However, certain “mis-

placed” volcanoes far from plate

 (25)      edges result from a second, indepen-

dent mechanism that cools the deep

interior of Earth.


Because of its proximity to Earth’s core, the rock at the

base of the mantle is much hotter than

 (30)      rock in the upper mantle.  The hotter the

mantle rock is, the less it resists flow-

ing.  Reservoirs of this hot rock collect

       in the base of the mantle. 


When a

reservoir is sufficiently large, a sphere

               of this hot rock forces its way up

through the upper mantle to Earth’s

surface, creating a broad bulge in the



The “mantle plume” thus

      formed, once established, continues to

 (40)     channel hot material from the mantle

base until the reservoir is emptied.


The surface mark of an established

plume is a hot spot—an isolated

region of volcanoes and uplifted terrain

 (45)      located far from the edge of a surface



Because the source of a hot

spot remains fixed while a surface

plate moves over it, over a long period

of time an active plume creates a chain

 (50)      of volcanoes or volcanic islands, a

track marking the position of the plume

relative to the moving plate. 


The natural

history of the Hawaiian island chain

clearly shows the movement of the

Pacific plate over a fixed plume.


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