終於知道為何每個人考完都會說:「考完試了,好累」 真的好累。3小時全心全意的專注,導致腰酸背痛~眼疲肚餓,在考完的那一剎那間,終於relax,也因此疲累在此瞬間~~~~爆發了~~~~!!! 分數不夠牛,但可以接受了…
“Local clothing stores reported that their profits decreased, on average, for the three-month period between August 1 and October 31. Stores that sell products for the home reported that, on average, their profits increased during this same period. Clearly, consumers are choosing to buy products for their homes instead of clothing. To take advantage of this trend, we should reduce the size of our clothing departments and enlarge our home furnishings and household products departments.
給最負責的Hippo大力感謝… 遇到很多題jj 但其中有二題須注意: 78 員工放假問題 75% winter vacation. 40% eithor winter or summer, 20% neither winter nor summer .問summer有多少? 應該最後是問summer but not winter vacation有多少? 所以my answer是5%
45 100個產品裏有次品,抽出不放回,問至少第5次抽出來的是不合格產品的幾率 1) 每100個中有25個產品裏至少有1個次品 2) 首4次(each of first four)抽出來的產品至少有1個次品
這題我totally confuse了…我是選A ,公因數原理吧!…但不確定嘍!
有5個數,平均為60,不過其中一個數是錯誤的值,現在把正確的值(80)放回來,拿掉錯誤值,結果平均70,問那個錯誤的值是多少? My answer: 30
10!/K =9! 問k為多少? My answer: 10
RC jj 完美的jj幫了我很多… 1、gray market 2、Clan and Hui Kan in San Francisco 3、氧氣不足就掛點的地上生物 (這次再次感謝hippo的文章) 4、Songbird (題目全部一樣,省我很多時間)
CR 也遇到了一些jj
舊jj 蔬菜裏含有一種什麼酸, 能抑制個什麼物質的合成, 從而降低心臟病的機率, 經檢查, 某些人比另外一些人患病的機率高, 因此這些人, 一定是吃蔬菜吃少了, 從而增長了患心臟病的機率, 問假設。我選:那個什麼酸的,不會存留在人體中(答案參考就好,有點怪…我知道)
GWD-24-Q14: Argonia’s currency 那題的架構,但內容完全不一樣,不過不用擔心…邏輯的觀點是一樣
有一題是GWD-28-Q7 Rhesus monkeys 選c 那類的候子是所有種類中最aggressive (具代表性)
Punishment 和reward, 一直使用punishment通常都不會有效,weaken…我選長時間punishment會有效
SC 跟pp超像,難度也差不多~ 有遇到jj的,沒想到sc jj也幫到,估計有三題
新JJ Not only published …… but also founded (好像是這個單字吧!)
Deep clouds that consist of and cover the XXX, preventing …. 其它選項注意主謂的單復數,以及平行
GWD-29-Q39 Scientists have recently discovered that the ultrathin, layered construction of a butterfly’s wings, the same as the one making some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence, are enabling the insect to control how much heat energy is absorbed by its wings and how much is reflected away.
- wings, the same as the one making some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence, are enabling
- wings, which is the same one that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence, that also enables
- wings is the same as the one that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence, enabling
- wings—the same construction that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence—also enables
- wings—of the same construction that makes some butterflies shimmer via the phenomenon of iridescence—also enable
my answer: D 直接找主謂
小弟在此 鞠躬致謝 ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/Dvbbs/em01.gif) |