只是看完, 不敢说搞掂, corporate finance也很多, 怎么这么多东西, 脑子记不住了. 不管考过考不过, 到时候都把成绩拿出来晒晒, 考不过12月又是一条好汉, 再考! Based on previous exam scores posted and a variety of inferences it seems very likely that the passing score on the actual exam is somewhere around 65%. If you can get some comfortable margin above that on CFA mock exams, the chances of your passing the actual exam are really high.
CFA Mock exam score; JDV's prob of you passing > 85%; 100% > 80%; 98% > 75%; 85% > 70%; 70% > 65%; 50% > 60%; 35% > 55%; 20% > 50%; 10% < 50%; sleep in on 6/7 可是我书都没有看完, 概念都不懂, 术语也容易混淆, 哪里有时间做Mock Exam啊. 曾经有个人每个subject 都是50%-70%, 结果fail了,
Multiple Choice Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70% - Alternative Assets 12 - * - - Derivatives 12 - * - - Economics 24 - * - - Equity Analysis 24 - * - - Ethical & Professional Stnds. 36 - * - - Financial Statement Analysis 68 - * - - Fixed Income Analysis 24 - * - - General Portfolio Management 12 - * - - Quantitative Analysis 28 - * - 下面两个是我见过的最低的pass score: Level 1: Pass
The table below illustrates your subject matter strengths and weaknesses. The three columns on the right are marked with asterisks to indicate your performance on each question or topic area.
Multiple Choice Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70% -Alternative Assets 12 --* -Derivatives 12 - *- -Economics 24 -*- -Equity Analysis 24 --* -Ethical & Professional Stnds. 36 - - * -Financial Statement Analysis 68 -*- -Fixed Income Analysis 24 * -- -General Portfolio Management 12 --* -Quantitative Analysis 28 - - * 有两个人都得了同样的下面这个分数,一个pass,一个fail, 所以, 这可能是刚刚过了63%的及格线. 真幸运啊. Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70% - Alternative Assets 12 - - * - Derivatives 12 - - * - Economics 24 - * - - Equity Analysis 24 - * - - Ethical & Professional Stnds. 36 - * - - Financial Statement Analysis 68 - * - - Fixed Income Analysis 24 - * - - General Portfolio Management 12 - - * - Quantitative Analysis 28 - * -
Zero sections below 50% - maybe that was considered as part of the scoring... 好象pass的最低要求是: FSA 70% Quant 70% Ethical 70% Fixed Income 70% economics 70% Equity 70% 相当难啊!
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-6-7 9:15:00编辑过] |