在会计中net income又叫bottom line, 因为是在income statement的最后一栏。这里说管理人员不能放弃短期降价是因为降价可以促进销售额,这之前文中提到说promotion run at a loss。所以降价虽然对利润没好处,但是对销售量有好处。销售量是衡量management performance的一个重要标准,所以,使管理层经常采取促销手段。
effect on "bottom-line" = effect on the profitability.
The sentence that directly address the issue of profitability is "Clearly price promotions are generally run at a loss, otherwise there would be more of them"
"The passage suggests that evidence for price promotions' "effect on the bottom line" is provided by",注意读题,该题并不是让你解释“effect on the bottom line",而是然你找出”effect on the bottom line“存在的根据是什么,AB都讲的是负面effect,DE讲的都是正面effect,只有C根据pp frequency的不同effect有正负变化