test a At an enormous research cost, a leading chemical company has developed a manufacturing process for converting wood fibers into a plastic. According to the company, this new plastic can be used for, among other things, the hulls of small sailboats. But what does the company think sailboat hulls used to be made of? Surely the mania for high technology can scarcely go further than this. 19. Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the author’s conclusion? (A) The plastic produced by the process is considerably lighter, stronger, and more watertight than wood. (B) The wood used in producing the plastic is itself in increasingly short supply. (C) The cost of the manufacturing process of the plastic increases the cost of producing a sailboat hull by 10 to 15 percent. (D) Much of the cost of the research that developed the new process will be written off for tax purposes by the chemical company. (E) The development of the new plastic is expected to help make the chemical company an important supplier of boat-building materials.
test b
2. In the years since the city of London imposed strict air-pollution regulations on local industry, the number of bird species seen in and around London has increased dramatically. Similar air-pollution rules should be imposed in other major cities. Each of the following is an assumption made in the argument above EXCEPT: (A) In most major cities, air-pollution problems are caused almost entirely by local industry. (B) Air-pollution regulations on industry have a significant impact on the quality of the air. (C) The air-pollution problems of other major cities are basically similar to those once suffered by London. (D) An increase in the number of bird species in and around a city is desirable. (E) The increased sightings of bird species in and around London reflect an actual increase in the number of species in the area. answer: A
TEST C 9. Determining the authenticity of purported pre-Columbian artifacts is never easy. Carbon-14 dating of these artifacts is often impossible due to contamination by radioactive palladium (which occurs naturally in the soils of Central and South America). However, historians and anthropologists have evolved two reliable criteria, which, utilized in combination, have proven effective for dating these artifacts. First, because authentic pre-Columbian artifacts characteristically occur in a coarse, granular matrix that is shifted by major earthquakes, they often exhibit the unique scratch patterns known as gridding. In addition, true pre-Columbian artifacts show a darkening in surface color that is caused by centuries of exposure to the minute amounts of magnesium in the soil of the Americas. The criteria above would be LEAST useful in judging the authenticity of which of the following? (A) An ax head of black obsidian, unearthed from a kitchen midden (B) A pottery bowl with a red ocher design, found in the ruins of a temple (C) A set of gold ear weights, ornamented with jasper pendants (D) A black feather cape from a king’s burial vault (E) A multicolored woven sash found near the gravesite of a slave answer(D)
14. Dr. A: The new influenza vaccine is useless at best and possibly dangerous. I would never use it on a patient. Dr. B: But three studies published in the Journal of Medical Associates have rated that vaccine as unusually effective. Dr. A: The studies must have been faulty because the vaccine is worthless. In which of the following is the reasoning most similar to that of Dr. A? (A) Three of my patients have been harmed by that vaccine during the past three weeks, so the vaccine is unsafe. (B) Jerrold Jersey recommends this milk, and I don’t trust Jerrold Jersey, so I won’t buy this milk. (C) Wingzz tennis balls perform best because they are far more effective than any other tennis balls. (D) I’m buying Vim Vitamins. Doctors recommend them more often than they recommend any other vitamins, so Vim Vitamins must be good (E) Since University of Muldoon graduates score about 20 percent higher than average on the GMAT, Sheila Lee, a University of Muldoon graduate, will score about 20 percent higher than average when she takes the GMAT answer.(C)
16. In 1986, the city of Los Diablos had 20 days on which air pollution reached unhealthful amounts and a smog alert was put into effect. In early 1987, new air pollution control measures were enacted, but the city had smog alerts on 31 days that year and on 39 days the following year. In 1989, however, the number of smog alerts in Los Diablos dropped to sixteen. The main air pollutants in Los Diablos are ozone and carbon monoxide, and since 1986 the levels of both have been monitored by gas spectrography. Which of the following statements, assuming that each is true, would be LEAST helpful in explaining the air pollution levels in Los Diablos between 1986 and 1989? (A) The 1987 air pollution control measures enacted in Los Diablos were put into effect in November of 1988. (B) In December of 1988 a new and far more accurate gas spectrometer was invented. (C) In February of 1989, the Pollution Control Board of Los Diablos revised the scale used to determine the amount of air pollution considered unhealthful. (D) In 1988 the mayor of Los Diablos was found to have accepted large campaign donations from local industries and to have exempted those same industries from air pollution control measures (E) Excess ozone and carbon monoxide require a minimum of two years to break down naturally in the atmosphere above a given area.
test d 15. Susan: Those who oppose experimentation on animals do not properly value the preservation of human life. Although animal suffering is unfortunate, it is justifiable if it can lead to cures for human ailments. Melvin: But much animal experimentation involves testing of ordinary consumer products such as soaps, dyes, and cosmetics. Susan: These experiments are justifiable on the same grounds, since cleanliness, convenience, and beauty are worthwhile human values deserving of support. Which of the following is the best statement of the logical flaw in Susan’s argument? (A) Her claim that animal experimentation is justifiable if it supports human values contradicts her claim that such experimentation is justifiable only if it leads to cures for human ailments. (B) She places a higher value on human cleanliness, convenience, and beauty than she does on the preservation of animal life. (C) She uses the word “value” in two different senses. (D) She assumes that all ordinary consumer products aid in the preservation of human life (E) She fails to show how mere support for human values actually preserves human lives. .answer(E) 多谢各位大侠啦,在下才疏学浅,很多东西不懂,请多多指教。