以下是引用edwen在2008-4-2 21:33:00的发言:对方开始通知时给的interview offer是IBD,后来打电话问能不能转FID部门 对方当时态度不错,说好的,反馈消息到上面再说,现在过了1个半月了,半点消息没 有经验的能不能给点意见,谢谢 另:其实刚接到通知时根本没想到能有机会被面,之后查了点有关IBD的资料,被shock到了,所以打电话 过去 后来静下来想想,觉得刚开始工作其实都一样,IBD一样做 我想是不是写封信和他们说你们安排的部门都乐意,IBD、FID,cmd,关于这个有经验的朋友能不能给点建议 one and a half months? go ahead call them. but dont count on it anymore. if they are still recruiting, they may have called you up already for interviews, but you didnt hear anything from them, this means they have probably filled their positions. |