我写信问他我今早凌晨收到的是不是formal offer,刚刚收到了UT-Austin那位chair的来信,说不是
My email was not meant as a formal offer. It is customary for us to filter out the most promising applicants. Once that is done, we start assessing how serious the applicants are in wanting to come here. In this respect, we typically consider possibly offering the Harrington award to prospective students. All PhD students who are admitted into the program will get tuition waiver, and fellowships. The amounts for this year have not yet been decided, but is very competitive compared to other schools. The financial support will continnue for five years provided the student meets all the requirements each year in a satisfactory manner. I am happy that you are keen on joining our program should we make an offer to you. I will be in touch with you in the near future once the admissions are finalized. We usually allow international students sufficient time to get all their visa paperwork to be processed. And so this should not be a cause for concern 我有点搞不懂,不是offer,第一封信为啥说的那么确定的样子,“In any case, should you choose to come here, you will be given fellowships and tuition waivers, etc. And so you will be covered financially”, 请问,我能不能直接写信问他,我被admit可能性有多大,反正我决定把ut作为首先了,要是定了,别的申请就不管理,安心做别的事情了?