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12月13日日北美, M51, V2*, 少许JJ, 回馈CD
AI: Has a powerful business leader far more influence to a community or a nation than a government official?
AA: Agapee Company close its multi-operation location and central it to a single office to cut cost and supervisor employee better.
RC:all four are JJ.
1 Skiming price and penetration price.
2 Poor country how to invest extra money or attract money from rich country
3 Management changes from (等级制度) to a system which high level can communication with low level
4 forget
1: X/Y>1
Ans: X^2+1/Y^2+1>1
2 equalateral triangle, one angle divide into three part, what is another angle
3 一个数轴,上面有四个点 a, b, c, d ,四点之间等距,问点 a + c = ?
Ans: A
4: 等边三角形, 一个角三等分, 求底角 Ans: A
5 三中选择的情况, 1200人, A 58%, B 47%, C40%, 其中AC30%, 问只有B没有AC的人(上面的数字可能有误) Ans: 240 (答案肯定)
6 X/Y=3 求 (X-Y)/X |