[awa] AI Businesses and other organizations have overemphasized the importance of working as a team. Clearly, in any human group, it is the strong individual, the person with the most commitment and energy, who gets things done. AA “Our total sales have increased this year by 20 percent since we added a pharmacy section to our grocery store. Clearly, the customer’s main concern is the convenience afforded by one-stop shopping. The surest way to increase our profits over the next couple of years, therefore, is to add a clothing department along with an automotive supplies and repair shop. We should also plan to continue adding new departments and services, such as a restaurant and a garden shop, in subsequent years. Being the only store in the area that offers such a range of services will give us a competitive advantage over other local stores.” [MATH] 百分之80是JJ 大家就好好算吧 其他不是JJ看過的也不難不用太擔心 [CR] 1.英國巨石柱可能具有healing的意義 問支持 我選:在那邊挖出羅馬時代以前的骨骸 那些骨骸都有疾病 2.南橋北橋那一題 問支持 選C:雙重否定 大意是說轉換容易 3.某學校校方:我們應該要提高入學標準以吸引優秀學生 教授:事實上 我們的標準太高 因為很多學生都都低於這個水準 問否定教授的論點 我選:事實上好學生都跑到好學校去了 4.某種新藥使用後成功率沒有老藥高,醫生卻仍然經常開這種新藥。有的人推斷說醫生受賄於新藥生產商 問否定
[SC] Arctic terns, being true long-distance migrants , they nest in coastal wetlands of northern Europe but fly south for thou- sands of miles to spend the European winters in Antarctica. 1) Arctic terns , being true long distance migrants , they nest in coastal wetlands of northern Europe 2) Arctic terns are true long distance migrants , nesting in coastal wetlands of northern Europe 3) Being that they are true long distance migrants , arctic terns nest in coastal wetlands of northern Europe 4) Nesting in coastal wetlands of northem Europe , arctic terns are true long distant migrants 5) True long distance migrants , arctic terns nest in coastal wetlands of northem Europe 實戰上覺得SC最難 排除一些選項需要靠句意推敲 千萬要好好加強基本功 [RC] 1 販賣大象牙齒禁令問題 全篇單字簡單 別擔心 2. 壓力press與免疫系統immune system 全篇單字簡單不過我單字背的少 有關於作者態度等題目選項都是形容詞 有些看不懂@@不過抓住作者態度應該可以答出來 3. 新的定價策略price strategies. 4. 西部文化歷史問題 考的是細節題 注意新派歷史學家的態度
[心得] 雖然不是牛分 但還是想分享一下 隔了一個月 成績進步120分 V從17變到34 主要的原因 就是心態!
我是個容易緊張的人 一戰的時候很緊張 又很心慌 加上發生些小插曲使得verbal休息超時 影響心情 Pace大亂 結果很糟 對自己信心全無 因為prep裸考都有650+ 看到成績單verbal百分比 覺得自己好像文盲 連英文字都寫不出來
這個月真是萬念俱灰 心想托福就要過期了 明年出不去怎麼辦
即使再厭倦 還是要努力證明自己 二戰又把PP 跟GWD總結了一次 心裡又踏實一點 加上覺得不可能再低分了 果然置死地後生
當然還是多虧了各位CDer的JJ 一戰落到低分區 落井下石 萬劫不復 二戰努力讓自己不要掉下去 果然JJ就慢慢顯靈錦上添花
GMAT考試不是來打擊信心否定實力的 努力付出 之後就是心理戰 只要克服了 就海闊天空 |