<7th week> Presented by Gary Lu: Christmas Party Although postponed once due to the sudden break between Module 1 and Module 2, our Christmas Party was staged successfully on December 21 in the White~~House, not Palace, for sure. Luckily, the incidence did not lower our expectation for the first-time whole family gathering in any way, on the contrary, with the approaching of the Christmas Day and the bell ringing of the New Year we were more in the mood for the once-a-year event. Just have a quick review of the four hours, as we did repeatedly before each class over the previous take-away’s, we moved quickly from the buffet to the performance & game session. As expected, we saw Dean Zheng and Professor Yan come with the full staff team. They also brought some thoughtful performances and participated actively in our games. Some of our classmates brought their “other-half”s in, which made the party more family-bounded. Given the constraint of the limited time in preparing all the performances, we still witnessed a lot of laugh-evoking pieces, most of them were dancing lot! It was true that all the programs were far from professional, but it was also explicit that we were not beaten short of creativity and passion: cute, compassionate, hot & sexy—you really can’t categorize the different types of dancing into one group. The trade marks of some of our professors were also skillfully exhibited by our classmates: “Do you know who I am?” “Are you with me?” I believe this terms will be on our tongue over and over again. If you ask me, I would say it was not easy to recognize a lot of our classmates this night since they were so different from the normal, both in terms of their appearance and behavior. Crazy? Maybe not—we still have sufficient space to use. Coincidence or not, today is also Xiaopeng’s birthday and also we have a lot of classmates having their birthdays in December. Therefore when the birthday cake was put on the table, the peak time arrived. In contrast with the chilly drizzling evening outside, the room inside was filled by an emotion of radiating relaxation and zero-distance mutual appreciation. Too many memorable things! We also heard the new year’s blessings presented in different languages by our international students. It was an interesting feeling that some of the professor’ words given earlier this day in the first OB (Organizational Behavior) class were still echoing in my mind, which was an ordinary state when I typically reflect on the course cores, I was at the same time in the center of a celebration storm. Let’s embrace a bright and fruitful new year!
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-22 13:06:07编辑过] |