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GWD的几道题, 找不到思路, NN们帮我看看

发表于 2007-10-29 22:59:00 | 只看该作者

GWD的几道题, 找不到思路, NN们帮我看看


In general, jobs are harder to get in times of economic recession because many businesses cut back operations.  However, any future recessions in Vargonia will probably not reduce the availability of teaching jobs at government-funded schools.  This is because Vargonia has just introduced a legal requirement that education in government-funded schools be available, free of charge, to all Vargonian children regardless of the state of the economy, and that current student-teacher ratios not be exceeded.


Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?


  1. The current student-teacher ratio at Vargonia’s government-funded schools is higher than it was during the most recent period of economic recession.
  2. During recent periods when the Vargonian economy has been strong, almost 25 percent of Vargonian children have attended privately funded schools, many of which charge substantial fees.

  3. Nearly 20 percent more teachers are currently employed in Vargonia’s government-funded schools than had been employed in those schools in the period before the last economic recession.
  4. Teachers in Vargonia’s government-funded schools are well paid relative to teachers in most privately funded schools in Vargonia, many of which rely heavily on part-time teachers.
  5. During the last economic recession in Vargonia, the government permanently closed a number of the schools that it had funded.




In one state, all cities and most towns have antismoking ordinances.  A petition entitled “Petition for Statewide Smoking Restriction” is being circulated to voters by campaign workers who ask only, “Do you want to sign a petition for statewide smoking restriction?”  The petition advocates a state law banning smoking in most retail establishments and in government offices that are open to the public.


Which of the following circumstances would make the petition as circulated misleading to voters who understand the proposal as extending the local ordinances statewide?


  1. Health costs associated with smoking cause health insurance premiums to rise for everyone and so affect nonsmokers.
  2. In rural areas of the state, there are relatively few retail establishments and government offices that are open to the public.
  3. The state law would supersede the local antismoking ordinances, which contain stronger bans than the state law does.
  4. There is considerable sentiment among voters in most areas of the state for restriction of smoking.
  5. The state law would not affect existing local ordinances banning smoking in places where the fire authorities have determined that smoking would constitute a fire hazard.



In the United States, of the people who moved from one state to another when they retired, the percentage who retired to Florida has decreased by three percentage points over the past ten years.  Since many local businesses in Florida cater to retirees, this decline is likely to have a noticeably negative economic effect on these businesses.


Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?


  1. Florida attracts more people who move from one state to another when they retire than does any other state.
  2. The number of people who move out of Florida to accept employment in other states has increased over the past ten years.
  3. There are far more local businesses in Florida that cater to tourists than there are local businesses that cater to retirees.
  4. The total number of people who retired and moved to another state for their retirement has increased significantly over the past ten years.
  5. The number of people who left Florida when they retired to live in another state was greater last year than it was ten years ago.


发表于 2007-10-30 08:35:00 | 只看该作者
1. B 当经济好的时候,很多孩子被送到私立学校 --〉 那么当经济不好的的时候,这些孩子可能会回到公立学校。

法案规定该州公立学校要提供免费的教育,而且学生与老师的数目比不可以超过一个数, 所以当经济不好的的时候, 原本上私立学校的孩子回到公立学校,那么老师的数目也要相应增加或保持不变。所以支持了 文章的结论:即使经济不好的时候, 老师也不会有太多失业。

2, 应该选B. 这题可以查CD的讨论。

3. D 总数变得很大的时候, 即使百分比下降一点,退休后来到Florida的人还是会增多。
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