今天一战失败,但还是要和大家分享JJ. 北美的同学请注意,中间有两个break,每次十分钟。但要自己记好时间,如果超时会自动扣考试时间。我就是不知道这点,今天math被扣了一分五十秒
Math: -------- 1. DS: X+Y是35的倍数, X=? (1) X除以5余数是1 (2)Y除以7余数是4 (好像是4)
2。 在X周上有一点(a, 0), 这点到(1,-3)和(8,4)等距, a=? A. 0.5 . . . E. 5
 3. What's the area of ABCDE? 4. What's the area of the pentagon?
5. 有45个人买杂志那题 6. 有一个set of 7 integers, median = 10, range = 70, the median of the largest 3 numbers = 40, 问the range of 3 smallest numbers 可能是? I. 0 II. 30 III. 50 我选 I & II 7. 1~N个连续整数的乘积,如果990是它的一个因子,N最小是几? 8. x/y < 0? (1) x+y < 0 (2) xy < 0 9. 从13到27的整数中任选2各不同的数,neither of them是质数的概率? 10. Dave estimate 一个project要做certain 小时,他报价$336 base on 这个estimate. 但因为他超时4个小时, 他的实际hourly rate 比他的estimate少$2/小时, 问他的estimate要做几个小时? 11. 一个人走的里数rounded to 300英里,时间rounded to 8小时, 问速度是否在35~45英里/小时? 12. 2^6*3^2x*25^3 是否等于 2^m*9^2*5^3y (1) m = 6 (2) x = y 13. 甲生产A和B两种车的总数是乙生产的这两种车的总数的3倍, 甲生产A车的数量和乙生产的相等, 如果A车占甲总产量的K%,A车站乙总产量的how many percent(用K表示)? 14. 某人用红漆和蓝漆以3比2的比例对紫漆, 问要生产400gallon紫漆用了多少红漆? (我的第一题) 15. Z 是否在x, y之间那道机经 16. 一个圆的圆心在(1,0),半径为2,由直线k过一下某点并与Y轴平行, K 与圆外切? (1) (-1,0) (2) (-1,-1) 17. 两个连续的奇数, 倒数的和是12/35, 问两个中比较大是几?
AWA: ------- AI:“Because of recent advancements in business and technology, the overall quality of life in most societies has never been better than at the present time.”
AA: The following appeared as part of the business plan of an investment and financial consulting firm. “Studies suggest that an average coffee drinker’s consumption of coffee increases with age, from age 10 through age 60. Even after age 60, coffee consumption remains high. The average cola drinker’s consumption of cola, however, declines with increasing age. Both of these trends have remained stable for the past 40 years. Given that the number of older adults will significantly increase as the population ages over the next 20 years, it follows that the demand for coffee will increase and the demand for cola will decrease during this period. We should, therefore, consider transferring our investments from Cola Loca to Early Bird Coffee.”
RC: 一个讲拉丁文学的发展。 第一段是说1960年代以来,拉丁文学得到了很大重视。但是很多美国的作家对这个的发展的影响却没有被大家所了解。有题目说1960,70,80拉丁文学发展的情况是什么,好像就是说得到了很大发展吧。 第二段,分别讲了两个作家来论证说他们没有被重视。一个写墨西哥和德州边界革命的女作家,1920年用西班牙文写的,可是发表不了,到了1940年,用英文再写了一遍,发现还是同样悲惨的命运,后来到了1994(当时看到这里忍不住笑了),出于为了重视拉丁文学,她的作品终于发表了。然后是个W作家,很有名,但是并没有人认为他属于拉丁文学家,后来1994年,一本书论证,他也是拉丁文学的代表。 很容易看懂。第一题就是关于问他们的similar是什么,第二题问那个女作家的作品有什么特点。我选了说,里面描述了一些事实性的内容(某个革命战争吧) 2. 讲人中耳的垂体(还是小耳骨?没读懂)由消除躁音的作用; 一段将如何消除外部噪音,二段将如何消除人自身发出的噪音,三段将鸟的中耳也有这个垂体,但与人的作用不同/ 考了几个细节题. (读得比较晕,大概是这样,大家若碰上了要仔细读)
4。一段讲service industry可以采用两种形式的business alliance. 一种“brand-alliance", 另一种“asset-alliance", 给了两种alliance的定义,并个举了个例子。 二段讲business要采用这两种alliance要特别小心。因为他们各自有risk,然后举例说名各自的risk. 主旨题;另一题考asset-alliance; 还有一个不记得了 CR: 1.是这题,但bold的位置不一样,大家可以熟悉一下题的说法 Astronomer: Observations of the Shoemaker-Levi comet on its collision course with Jupiter showed that the comet broke into fragments before entering Jupiter's atmosphere in 1994, but they did not show how big those fragments were. In hopes of gaining some indication of the fragments' size, astronomers studied spectrographic analyses of Jupiter's outer atmosphere. These analyses revealed unprecedented traces of sulfur after the fragments' entry. The fragments themselves almost certainly contained no sulfur, but many astronomers believe that the cloud layer below Jupiter's outer atmosphere does contain sulfur. Since sulfur would have seeped into the outer atmosphere if comet fragments had penetrated this cloud layer, it is likely that some of the fragments were at least large enough to have passed through Jupiter's outer atmosphere without being burned up. In the astronomer's argument, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles?
In the astronomer's argument, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles? (A) The first presents a circumstance for which the astronomer offers an explanation; the second is part of that explanation.
(A) The first presents a circumstance for which the astronomer offers an explanation; the second is part of that explanation. (B) The first acknowledges a consideration that weighs against the conclusion of the argument; the second is that conclusion. (C) The first acknowledges a consideration that weighs against the conclusion of the argument; the second provides evidence in support of that conclusion. (D) The first provides evidence in support of the conclusion of the argument; the second acknowledges a consideration that weighs against that conclusion. (E) The first is a judgment advanced in support of the conclusion of the argument; the second is that conclusion. 2。有一个卖chip的公司,现在只卖salted chips,他们打算开发unsalted chips. 反对者说这样不会增加sales的总量,因为去买unsalted chips 的顾客都是现再买salted chips的existing customers. 问反对者的assumption. 我选:这部分existing customers买unsalted chips 的量不会比以前他们买salted chips的量大。
3。motocycle company 要在一儿童杂纸上做广告。但法律规定儿童不能齐motocycle. 而且it is unlikely that children will persuade their parents to buy the motocycle for them. 但这个广告计划还是对motocycle company 有好处的,是因为: 我选:广告会让孩子们知道这家公司,以后会买他们生产的儿童自行车。
4。某城市现在人口与绿地的比例是每1000人4 acre的绿地。现在总共有400 acre 的绿地。市长打算在城市周边在开发100 acre 的绿地,使得人口与绿地的比例达到每1000人5 acre的绿地。这个计划不会成功。因为: 我选:到100 acre 的绿地开发出来的时候,城市的总人口将会增长10%到20%。
5。市长要把 riverfront 的一块地开发成residencial area (housing, shopping area). 反对者说,这样会影响本市的码头装卸工业,会提高umemployment rate. 要weaken反对者。 我选:要被改造的这块riverfront 的地,现在是被用于marine base 的(根码头装卸工业无关)。
SC: 没有见过的题。跟GWD的套路不太一样。感觉是今天作的最差的部分。
---------------------- 今天还是比较郁闷的。因为V部分根平时摸考差了有十个scale, 不知道维什莫上了考场会差别这莫大。对接下来应该如合进一步加强复习也比较迷惑。因为考前GWD的V基本可以控制到错十个以内。GMATPrep也做到了750. 也希望和大家探讨一下二战应如何有针对性的复习。自己的教训是(与大家共勉): 1。考前一定要调生物钟。由于我全职上班,下班后经常复习到半夜。早上是我最不精神的时候。今天早上考试果然打不起精神来。 2。因为平时摸考时间紧张,我一般都是只做M和V两部分,很少写作文。导致今天加上一小时作文后,到了V section时候由于高度紧张时间太长,特别疲劳,经常集中不了注意力。看来平时作摸考不能偷懒,一定要写作文,要练习长时间集中注意力。不知大家平时是怎末练习摸考的? 3。要锻炼身体。到了V section时候已经很疲劳了,影响了精力集中。大家在平时一定要多锻炼身体。 4。SC 今天感觉最不对劲,看来光看GWD还不够,我打算开始看GMATPrep破解版。 我打算下个月二战,不上700决不罢休!大家一起加油!
虽然考得不好,但我还是想感谢一下我老妈,和老公。是老妈一语点醒梦中人“在这莫混下去就没前途了!“。老公包揽了过去两周所有的家务,帮我整理机经,今天还接送我去考场。祝老公11月GMAT考个好成绩。祝大家都700++。 就写这莫多,累了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-24 3:07:39编辑过] |