昨天给 McCombsMBA@mccombs.utexas.edu 发了 Email, 倒是很快收到回复说 I have reset your password. You will receive an email with your temporary password. You will have 12 hours to reset your password. We created an EID when we received your TOEFL test.
就这样,俺总算是登录进去看到了传说中的 UT Austin McCombs 的申请系统……
进去之后又看到一个信息:About Application Fee. You may pay by Discover, MasterCard, electronic check or electronic funds transfer (EFT). UT Austin does not accept Visa.
UT Austin does not accept Visa? 哎,俺现在貌似只有 Visa 信用卡。还得去弄张 MasterCard. 又多了一件事要做。