一明白了,哪位给解释下二 In response to mounting public concern, an airplane manufacturers implement a program with well-publicized goal of reducing by half the total yearly amount of hazardous waste generated by its passenger-jet division. When the program began in 1994, the division’s hazardous waste was 90 pounds per production worker, last year it was 40 pounds per production worker. Clearly, therefore, charges that the manufacturer’s program has not met its goal are false.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends? A. the amount of nonhazardous waste generated each year by the passenger-jet division has not increased significantly since 1984 B. at least as many passenger jets were produced by the division last year as had been produced in 1994 C. since 1994, other divisions in the company have achieved reductions in hazardous waste output that are at least equal to that achieved in the passenger-jet division. D. The average number of weekly hours per production worker in the passenger-jet division was not significantly greater last year than it was in 1994. E. The number of production workers assigned to the passenger-jet division was not significantly less in 1994 than it was last year. 这道题为什么是E?虽然只有E有production workers 但是为什么是less? 二:
. 公司雇佣经理的主要目的是让他们generate leads,评估经理的标准是产生的Leads的数量。但销售人员经常不follow to the leads,因为会花很多的时间并且大多数leads通常都是dead ends.因此,公司为了解决这个问题,应该_________ (1) 提供incentives to manager to help increase the sales of the salespeople (2) Incentives to salespeople to be responsible for their own leads (3) incentives to let salespeople to generate their own leads Leads的在这篇短文的意思就是潜在的销售苗头。在现实工作中,Marketing做的就是这部分工作,他们相当于侦察兵,出去到处寻找可能培养成销售对象的机会,即leads;发现了以后,交给后续部队sales,冲上去把这些顾客干掉,即follow up to leads。但是,如果市场和销售这两个环节没有很好沟通,或者一起工作的话,通常销售团队就无法充分利用市场培养的这些leads,造成很多死胡同,dead ends. 这道题就是为了讨论碰到这种情况,公司应该怎么改变策略使得 团队可以更有效率的工作。然后就是我在上面说的想法了。我觉得问题不大,应该选1)
虽然这道题讲得很详细,但我还是觉得,CR的一个重要原则就是不需要题给以外的条件!由答案一推导到gennerate leads(从题给circumstance看这个是中心),相差太远了,如果不看背景知识,1)选项应该是明显的偏离了重心。因为没见过原题,仅仅就中文判断的话,论证的目的应该是generate leads,而不是increase sales(原文没提到),而且ETS比较喜欢给出和正确答案单词差不多的混淆选项(比如这个(2)),因此我觉得3更有可能是。分析一下:因为销售人员怎么怎么样,经理提不出leads怎么办?让salesmen也找leads
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-9 15:06:38编辑过] |