he has never run. However, Bergeron has fulfilled the financial disclosurerequirement for candidacy by submitting a detailed list of his currentfinancial holdings to the election commission. 题目的要求是evaluating the journalist’s argument 也就是说找出一个选项看是否journalist说的判断正确与否 B Is submitting a list of holdings the only way tofulfill the election commission’s financial disclosure requirements? 这个问题说得是递交财产清单是不是唯一满足选举委员会对财产曝光的要求 1. 递交单子是唯一方式满足曝光财产要求 B递交单子 满足了参选的条件 2. 递交单子不是唯一方式满足曝光财产要求 B递交单子 不满足参选的条件 然而递交单子是不是唯一方式,这个问题,是递交单子跟财产曝光要求之间的问题,跟他参不参选无关
he has never run. However, Bergeron has fulfilled the financial disclosurerequirement for candidacy by submitting a detailed list of his currentfinancial holdings to the election commission. E Had Bergeron also fulfilled the financial disclosurerequirements for candidacy before any previous gubernatorial elections? 这个问题是说B在之前的选举中是否满足了选举委员会对财产曝光的要求 1. B之前满足过曝光财产要求 B递交单子 现在依然满足了 没有改变 B不一定会参选 因此journalist的判断错误 2. B之前没有满足过曝光财产的要求 B递交单子 现在满足了 改变了 B很有可能参选 因此journalist的判断正确 B之前有没有满足过要求直接和竞选有关