我觉得这道题的关键在于题干,抓住重点: The number of people diagnosed as having a certain intestinal disease has dropped significantly in a rural county this year, as compared to last year, Health officials attribute this decrease entirely to improved sanitary conditions at water-treatment plants, which made for cleaner water this year and thus reduced the incidence of the disease. 题干:1. 得病的人(number of people )减少。 2. 水处理厂水环境变好 ==〉病发数量 ( incidence of disease ) 减少 要求削弱2。 A. 表示水处理厂增加。一般认为无关项。按OG说法,可以认为隐含的有:水处理厂增加=〉水环境确实变好,显然支持了2的假设。原来和大家一样的想法,5年来水环境就应该变好,就应该病发减少,可是。。。应该认为削弱。我们往往忽视了2的因果推倒,过分在意时间性。 C. 新技术的准确性 + 得病人减少 =〉病发数量减少。至于disease还是ulcer,显然也是避重就轻了。 抓住因果关键。推倒需要直接,能直接推倒,切忌被一些简单的时间地点概念迷惑,做出无谓的推倒。 |