16. In a political system with only two major parties, the entrance of a third-party candidate into an election race damages the chances of only one of the two major candidates. The third-party candidate always attracts some of the voters who might otherwise have voted for one of the two major candidates, but not voters who support the other candidate. Since a third-party candidacy affects the two major candidates unequally, for reasons neither of them has any control over, the practice is unfair and should not be allowed. If the factual information in the passage above is true, which of the following can be most reliably inferred from it?
笨猪今天刚跟经理大吵了一架,心情特别好.所以也想来乐呵乐呵. 我觉得这题有点怪,B好象是理所当然的事情,选票只在两党间5-5开,当然不会有一党的选票超过50%了.顶多也就50%而且只能是50%. 关于”one of the two major candidates"的理解: 记得在新东方老师白勇的GMAT语法大全里有这么一个知识点:one 不同于a,one 是指特定的一个.比方说.A,B,C分别代表三个党的候选人,C的参加只会要么吸引A的支持者的选票,要么吸引B的支持者的选票.不会出现同时从A中吸引一些从B中吸引一些的情况. 还有unfair,笨猪以为,为什么会unfair没有必要去深究,也不用去找里面的因果关系.既然题里面说了第三方参加对某一方会照成unfair的后果,我们就应该接受这个是成立的。就像如果有道题中说: ”有人的地方,就有小人(就像我们经理那像的人)?“ 那我们就要接受这个因果是成立的。不能用我们生活中的思维去找原因。 |