A. Only Euripides’ best-known works are accompanied by ancient commentaries in extant medieval manuscripts. This group includes some of E’s best-known works,所以,不著名的也有收录的 B. The select plays are accompanied by ancient commentaries because they were the best known of Euripides’ works. 没有必然联系 C. No commentaries were written about Euripides’ Electra in ancient times. 最后选这个了,还是错的,现在想想,主要是extant是现存的意思。C选项说有没有写,无关。因为有可能写了在历史长河中遗失了 D. Euripides’ Medea never appears in medieval manuscripts unaccompanied by ancient commentary. 显然不对,this group includes….,including the M. 之前又说了这十个都是有评论的 E. Euripides’ Electra does not appear accompanied by a commentary in any extant medieval manuscript. 开始认为这个选项错在这个句子的中心看错了,当时认为这一部是属于18部之一的,not ..in any extant medieval manuscript肯定不对。 但是,这句话说的是E does not appear accompanied by a commentary in.. 也就是说在现存的中世纪手抄搞中,E不会以 有评论的形式出现。前面已经说了八部不含评论,其中e就在其中。
本题关键还是读懂选项 |