With its abundance of noun inflections, Icelandic is one of several Germanic languages that is compact when written but can lengthen considerably when translated into English.
(D) are compact when written but can lengthen considerably in English translation
With its abundance of noun inflections, Icelandic is one of several Germanic languages that is compact when written but can lengthen considerably when translated into English.
(D) are compact when written but can lengthen considerably in English translation
此处省略的是when后面的it is,主句的主语并未被省略.
?? 我有疑问---是ITIS 被省略还是 they are? 若是it is 的话, 前面为什么要大费周章的用 are compact? one of noun(s) that verb(s) 的文法是百分之百确定的吗? 我有听说过XDF老师说是看句意决定的呢!