以下是引用elinaqu在2007-5-13 1:56:00的发言:现在是2点了,做完了一套Prep,一个人愣着坐了好久,真地想打自己一顿,,, 终于知道模考题是什么样子了,却没想到自己能低到这种水平。460分,打死我都没想到的分。就我这个水平,还考什么啊,估计考N次都考不出来吧, 数学36?-3题选反答案,3题算错,6题不会做,6题没有时间来不及做了。 语文19 -- 逻辑错做完的错4个,语法做完的错3个,阅读4篇全做完了但是错了6个,其他还剩7题逻辑和语法没有时间来不及做了。 我看我要想在2周内提高,肯定是不可能了,大家帮帮忙,跟分析一下,谢谢啦 Like XY said, if everyone starts from 750, then there's no point for anyone to study anymore. Doesn't matter where you start from, all it matters is where you end up at the end. Math: What was missing? Basic concept? Language? How to tackle these types of questions? Verbal: Don't worry about pacing for now. Figure out why you missed those questions. I would recommend postponing the test for now. |