非常感谢yaoyao的指点。我觉得你说的很有道理。可是我现在也没有什么好的新材料了,而且GWD以前的题目因为做的比较急,基本上做完了就没有分析,有些文章当时也没有读懂。所以才想再做一遍。你觉得我现在还剩12天要考试了,应该在阅读方面在做一些什么样的针对性的复习呢? 我现在阅读的状态是,结构题可以基本保证不用回读且正确率比较高,每读完一段用10秒钟想一下这段的大意和作者态度的走势。但是我现在困惑的还是细节题目,可能是记忆力不好,一大段读完后细节的东西可能一点也记不住,尤其是一些较难的分析(很可能会出问题),有时候读懂都比较困难。做题目的时候,细节题目不能在10秒钟之内定位,我就慌了,思维就离散了,很难再静下心来认真搜索,可能就随着感觉随便选一个了。 比如以下一段,说实话读第一段末尾的时候我已经完全晕了,甚至分不清谁是猎物谁是捕食者。 Grassland songbirds often nest in the same grassland-wetland complexes as waterfowl, particularly in a certain Line part of those complexes, namely, (5) upland habitats surrounding wetlands. Although some wildlife management procedures directed at waterfowl, such as habitat enhancement or restoration, may also benefit songbirds , the impact (10) of others, especially the control of waterfowl predators, remains difficult to predict. For example, most predators of waterfowl nests prey opportunistic- ally on songbird nests, and removing (15) these predators could directly increase songbird nesting success. Alterna- tively, small mammals such as mice and ground squirrels are important in the diet of many waterfowl-nest (20) predators and can themselves be important predators of songbird nets. Thus. Removing waterfowl-nest predators could affect songbird nesting success through subsequent increases (25) in small-mammal populations. In 1995 and 1996, researchers trapped and removed certain waterfowl- nest predators. primary raccoons and striped skunks, then observed subse- (30) quent survival rates for songbird nests. Surprisingly. They observed no sig- nificant effect on songbird nesting success. This may be due to several factors. Neither raccoons nor striped (35) skunks consume ground squirrels, which are important predators of song- bird nests. Thus, their removal may not have led to significant increases in populations of smaller predators. (40) Additionally, both raccoons and striped skunks prefer wetlands and spend little time in upland habitats; removing these species may not have increased the nesting success of songbirds in the uplands enough to allow detection. 我知道现在这么短的时间提高阅读能力简直就是胡扯,所以想请教有没有什么权宜之计以解燃眉之急。各位兄弟姐妹们如果有什么好方法,帮帮小弟哈。呵呵,虽然我知道这么短的时间可能叫天天不应叫地地不灵了,不过还是想看看有没有什么投机取巧的小窍门,至少不会让心情受到很大的影响:) 拜谢。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-27 21:12:56编辑过] |