1。和尚吃鱼那道 在古代寺院的遗址发现曾被用来做垃圾堆的地方,发现只有很少的鱼骨头,而那时的和尚虽然不能吃肉,但可以吃鱼。得出那时和尚也只吃少量的鱼,问 assumption 1) 邻居没有使用这个垃圾堆;2) 和尚严格执行寺规。作者选了2。 我怎觉1)更好些呢?请NN指点一下~ 2。RC GWD-26-Q25-Q27 18世纪妇女和男人在civil cases中的变化 Q27 The passage suggests that which of the following best compares the economic concerns of women with those of men toward the close of the eighteenth Century in colonial Connecticut? (A) Both men and women had more economic responsibilities at the end of the century than they had had at the beginning of the century. (B) Women’s economic activities had become less varied by the end of the century; men’s economic activities had become more varied. (C) Women’s economic activities at the end of the century were similar to their activities at the beginning; men’s economic activities changed considerably. (D) Women’s economic concerns at the end of the century were primarily familial; men’s economic concerns were primarily political. (E) Women’s economic concerns at the end of the century were primarily personal; men’s economic needs were primarily familial. 答案好像是B,按原文我觉得应该是C吧~