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发表于 2007-3-4 22:15:00 | 只看该作者



发表于 2007-3-5 21:23:00 | 只看该作者
I am a loser. I am LLM from T10 without bar at hand. I am still wanting to take JD with nearing 35 age. I will be the one who would be soon at 40 after a few years'Due Diligence. Maybe the one who can't even speak very fluent English and won't be the partner of big firms. But I do have a dream. I simply follow the feeling: I can be the best. It is a matter of time. If we have a dream and faith, is it wrong to pursue the inner call? We should respect the hard work and beautiful dream and heart of everyone. I wish everyone could make this place friendly to everyone and get and give care and encouragement from and to everyone. Make this world a good place to live in. Don't dump things on others.
发表于 2007-3-5 21:45:00 | 只看该作者

It's wonderful to have a dream!

Respect others' choices, respect urs!

发表于 2007-3-5 23:34:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用Josephine99在2007-3-4 22:15:00的发言:



这里是global pay的associate职位,仅在国内找基本不可能。


发表于 2007-3-5 23:38:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用funnytiger在2007-2-27 10:23:00的发言:


我三个月前见过OMM的人, 资料是那里来的, 没想到被骗了啊。



发表于 2007-3-5 23:49:00 | 只看该作者
说实话, 有一个中国的LLB (当然是比较好的学校的) 是很有优势的.

1. 底气足!  清华不是也招外国人来中国学LLM了吗? 在国际业务中, 亮亮你的中国文凭还是可以帮你很多的, 毕竟法律是个分量很重的文凭.
    做个不恰当的ANALOGY, 不懂中国法律或没有中国法律科班教育, 虽然有美国JD, 也是瞒尴尬的, 就好比那些美.加的BANANAS.

2. 虽然两大法系分道扬镳, 你去美国的COURT 旁听的话, 就会发现, 法律还是法律, 都是差不多的. 有中国的四年法律基础, 对于你理解和应用法律是  十分有帮助的. 你用中国的法律知识来思考美国法律, 一定会有新的想法. 如果你要成为法学大家, 这种比较法的思维是关键性的. 国内的法理学还是比较国际话的.

3. 当然, 中国司法体系的完善还需时日, 律师的职业环境和美国的天差地别.  在这里的都是法律人, 还是用理性比较好, 用文化大革命的否定一切方法好象不好吧?  大家继续!
发表于 2007-3-6 22:13:00 | 只看该作者

Alas...have finally finished reading this wonderful thread...and then I guess I am quite well qualified as a Loser

Have LLB & LLM in hand, practiced in law firm and quit(I'm a person without that much ambitions, sign! I just want to pursue a balance between life and work), currently writing my second book...but I'm always feeling a inner make my life career in Environmental NGOs. Although I have been participated in some volunteer works for years, I still feel that I need to know more about Environmental Law and relevant knowledge and skills, that's why I am busy preparing LSAT...Have to say, some of you guys are really lucky, to be full-time students, to read and study whatever you like. For me, I have to use several alarms to make myself awake every early morning, and use the limited time to concentrate on my study and research...cause I have to make a living and work for rent during day time... it's a pressure whereas a complete life...

I don't know...for me, I believe a simple and peaceful life is much more cherishable than to be slaved everyday by the treasures on the earth, if you believe a heaven up there, and a God with righteousness is watching you everyday. If God would like to give me this chance, I want to become a good mother and a good wife, a good NGO worker to stop slaughtering whales, and a servant for God's works.   

I have to say, this journey is really not easy, and so many times, I nearlly gave up, however I just couldn't kill the desire in my heart, and that's perhaps something help me keep going on this way. I don't know what's God's big picture for me, but merely believe, there will be miracles.

If I need to make a choice between a job which I have great passion to devote and a job that drives me to pursue something will never satisfy my inner emptiness, I will choose the former one. Thank God, have given me enough gift to be a Big Loser, with dreams, hopes and joys.

Each of us is special for a purpose! God bless!

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-6 23:12:18编辑过]
发表于 2007-3-7 08:32:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用pragh在2007-3-5 23:38:00的发言:



说到美女, 我已经见识过了, 请参见我其他的帖子

不过说回来, 这个钱是在香港吧。 香港是这个价钱啊。 我说的是内地。 香港在我读书的时候, 给LLM的工资比这个要高呢。

发表于 2007-3-9 12:08:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-3-9 12:14:00 | 只看该作者
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-9 14:28:50编辑过]
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