Social scientists are underpresented on the advisory councils of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Since these councils advise NIH directors and recommend policy, the underpresentation of social scientists results in a relative lack of NIH financial support for research in the social sciences. If the statements bove are correct, they most strongly support which of the following? A. Asignificant increase in the size of NIH advisory councils would be required in order to increase the representation of social scientists on these councils. B. A significant increase in the representation of social scientists on NIH advisory councils owuld result in an increase in NIH funding for social science research. C. A significant increase in funding for social science research would result in improved policy recommendations to NIH directors. D. a significant increase in funding for the training of social scientists would result in an increase in hte number of social scientistes on NIH advisory councils. E. A significant increase in the representation of social scientists on NIH advisory councils would have to precede any increase in the number on NIH directors who are social scientists. 答案是B,能理解,D答案错误,也能理解。但想请教一下,如果D的答案中的training 改为social science research,D答案和B答案哪个更好?还是两个都行。这涉及到一个思路问题,新手,请大家指教。谢谢。