During these dates, your test appointment will last approximately 4? hours. At the end of your standard GMAT exam, you will be asked to answer 12-15 additional questions during a special 30-minute research session. These questions will not count toward your GMAT score and will not be shared with schools. You will receive a reward if you put forth reasonable effort to answer these questions. 这是怎么回事?虽然貌似有reward,但是我是不是还是很亏啊?additional questions 是包含在4.5小时之内的还是之外的啊?(这个很重要) 谢谢!!谢谢!!救命啊!
今天刚注册的号,没有两个工作人审查的等待,就有GMAT ID了而且直接进入到了下一步·,·在填信息的时候··直接就到了预约考试的步骤· 选择了在巴黎参考·就用妈妈的信用卡支付了,显示支付成功 而且 收到了考试预约成功的邮件,但是在官网的“gmat history”里 'future exams " appointment这一栏是You do not have any exams scheduled. 是为什么吖? 到底我报名成功了没吖··没成功钱去哪了啊··(手机已提示信用卡里的钱已扣除)。 希望好心人指点指点····