以下是引用fayer在2007-2-6 10:25:00的发言:As I know, if you are not American citizen, you can get some fellowship like 10000 each year or some GA payment. The mount of that payment depends your working hours per week. Typically it should be 15000 each year for working 12 hours per week. hylrd, your information is really helpful:-) Yeah, I got some fellowship, but I need more to cover. Regarding GA work, as far as you know, is this a sensible choice for MBA student? Does the curriculum in Kelley stringent? If I have a GA work, will it be conflict most of the time in intern interviews or profession related activities?  Hi fayer, you said you got some fellowship. May i ask it is for the first year or both? because i got some only for the first year, and told it is renewable for the second year. what about you? do you happen to know what the "renewable" means? thanks. |