已看过原有链接,还是不解。B和D到底该如何理解。 ps,Og的解释关于B和D 也没看明白。请NN不吝指教。谢谢 28. Fact 1: Television advertising is becoming less effective: the proportion of brand names promoted on television that viewers of the advertising can recall is slowly decreasing. Fact 2: Television viewers recall commercials aired first or last in a cluster of consecutive commercials far better than they recall commercials aired somewhere in the middle. Fact 2 would be most likely to contribute to an explanation of fact 1 if which of the following were also true?
Fact 2 would be most likely to contribute to an explanation of fact 1 if which of the following were also true? A. The average television viewer currently recalls fewer than half the brand names promoted in commercials he or she saw. B. The total time allotted to the average cluster of consecutive television commercials is decreasing. C. The average number of hours per day that people spend watching television is decreasing. D. The average number of clusters of consecutive commercials per hour of television is increasing. E E. The average number of television commercials in a cluster of consecutive commercials is increasing.
28. Because E indicates that the number of commercials in a cluster is increasing, it entails that proportionally more commercials are aired in intermediate positions. Hence, E helps fact 2 explain fact 1 by showing that increasingly more commercials are aired in positions in which viewers find them difficult to recall. E is the best answer.
A testifies to the ineffectiveness of television advertising but does not help fact 2 explain fact 1. B indicates that fact 2 contradicts rather than explains fact 1, since it suggests that the number of commercials per cluster is decreasing. C and D help to explain fact 1-by describing a change in viewing habits and a change in programming-but neither relates fact 2 to fact 1.
已看过原有链接,还是不解。B和D到底该如何理解。 ps,Og的解释关于B和D 也没看明白。请NN不吝指教。谢谢
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-2 6:31:13编辑过] |