没想到自己也有机会在这里发言,不是牛牛,感谢CD!~先说几经吧,没有换题库。 作文,AI 9. “Employees should keep their private lives and personal activities as separate as possible from the workplace.” Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading. AA: 39. The following appeared in an Avia Airlines departmental memorandum. “On average, 9 out of every 1,000 passengers who traveled on Avia Airlines last year filed a complaint about our baggage-handling procedures. This means that although some 1 percent of our passengers were unhappy with those procedures, the overwhelming majority were quite satisfied with them; thus it would appear that a review of the procedures is not important to our goal of maintaining or increasing the number of Avia’s passengers.”
阅读: 七. 地球火山和VENUS(40多行) 第一段讲金星上面表面有什么现象,自从xx宇宙飞船到达金星地表后发现了一个其地表上突起的高地(highland、upland), 对于这个高地的成因,各方有不同的推测. 第二段是一个两个人学派的看法,讲这种现象和地球表面上的现象比较,说是与地球的形成是类似的。即学者a与b二人,提出与大西洋(the Atlantic)中洋脊(mid-ocean ridge)形成原因相似之理论,但他们的学说终究是以金星的地壳结构应相似于地球的前提来作讨论 第三段是第二个(斯基)学派的看法,两个学派持想反意见。这个(斯基)学派反对上一个观点。指出金星上某个东东(terran之类的)是一种证据,证明他的理论。并指出上一个理论的不足之处:Venus同地球是没有可比性的。然后又although了一下。
十四. 关于企业要不要跟进新污染处理方法.
采用环保设备的利弊(改编自前人机经,若网友找到相关机经,还请帮忙补充) 传统上认为,如果工厂采用较环保的设备,会增加成本,损害企业的竞争力,因为新设备的研发成本高且容易被其它公司模仿 然而,新的研究提出了相反的看法,认为采用较环保的设备是利大于弊,因为公司会因此增进生产力和效率 此外,因为每个公司的体质不一样,竞争对手若要仿效采用此新设备需要一段时间的磨合期,而且不见得适合或有效,这样一来企业反而较其竞争对手有竞争力 Q1.传统观点认为企业更新环保设备带来什么。(这个比较确定:只增加成本,不带来竞争力) 三十三、地球气候和太阳 太阳跟地球温度过往机经 比较长 但是结构清晰,题目不难。 【第一段】地质学家一直有一个paradox。太阳的辐射能量一直在变的越来越大,据此并且假设地球大气情况在以往并未又改变,在地球形成之初,温度一定比现在低很多。那么,这个时候应该是冰川时代。可是地质研究证明,地球形成之初水是成液态的,也就是说温度并不是那么低。 【第二段】看来合理的假设是,地球的大气情况是经历了很大的改变来balance太阳辐射的变化所带来的影响。二氧化碳的浓度直接影响地球接受和反射辐射的比例。二氧化碳浓度越高,反射愈有限。某个科学家,做了研究,quantify这个二氧化碳浓度要怎么变,才能使得地球温度在整个历史中保持相对稳定。这种变化,如果要保证生命延续,tolerance是很低的,二氧化碳变低的速度稍微快一点,就会造成冰川;稍微满一点,则会热死掉。 【第三段】又有其它一帮人出来说这个 causal relationship不是这样的,不是二氧化碳浓度为因,温度为果。实际上,地球系统的一些bio chem. Cycle保证了温度和二氧化碳浓度的互相影响(当温度太高,二氧化碳浓度自然降低 and vice versa),以至于可以保证温度的相对稳定。 文章大意:关于地球形成之初是比现在热还是比现在冷存在一个矛盾(Young Sun Paradox)。根据太阳最初比现在寒冷的理论,地球应该是比现在冷,全部为冰山覆盖。但是很多生物迹象又表明在地球之初已有生物存在,所以,有些科学家推测地球形成之初应该是比现在热。 为了解释这个矛盾,科学家们提出的理论是,是由于CO2的原因,保护了地球的温度的散失,所以,地球的温度较高。但是,有人就有疑问,如果CO2防止了地球温度的散失,为什么地球的温度会随着太阳的变热而下降了呢?后来又有一个理论说,地球的CO2是会随着地球温度而自发调节浓度,最终维持了地球一个比较适宜的温度。 逻辑: 3. Press Secretary: Our critics claim that the President’s recent highway project cancellations demonstrate a vindictive desire to punish legislative districts controlled by opposition parties. They offer as evidence the fact that 90 percent of the projects canceled were in such districts. But all of the canceled projects had been identified as wasteful in a report written by respected nonpartisan auditors. So the President’s choice was clearly motivated by sound budgetary policy, not partisan politics. Which of the following is an assumption on which the press secretary’s argument depends? A. Canceling highway projects was not the only way for the President to punish legislative districts controlled by opposition parties. B. The scheduled highway projects identified as wasteful in the report were not mostly projects in districts controlled by the President’s party. C. The number of projects canceled was a significant proportion of all the highway projects that were to be undertaken by the government in the near future. D. The highway projects canceled in districts controlled by the President’s party were not generally more expensive than the projects canceled in districts controlled by opposition parties. E. Reports by nonpartisan auditors are not generally regarded by the opposition parties as a source of objective assessments of government projects 总统不公平竞争那道,选B 54. 药管局通过新规定. 说herbal medicine如果长期服用没有副作用的话就可以开始做广告. 因为即使治不好, 也不会伤害到病人. 问weaken: 10.传统上认为某地的一些远离陆地的岛屿有居民,是因为很久以前渔民出海被风浪吹到这些岛上,所以才在在上面居住,但每个有人居住的岛上都种养大量的与陆地居民相同的谷物和家畜,而这些东西不可能由渔民在出海打鱼时带在渔船上,所以,传统观点不成立,问以下论据哪个支持这一反对的观点。
语法,逻辑意思和平行较多。 没了…… 后记:匆匆的去上海,匆匆的赶回来,半夜爬在网上回忆jj,希望还能有人用得上。谢谢CD!~我会继续坚持走下去。 祝福所有人!~ |