心情有点低落,因为偶是二战了,可是成绩没有什么提高。在职复习,什么都没复习之前模拟还能做个640呢,一战复习了一个月,9月4号考的(660,m50,v30,86% percentile);今天二战(670,m50,v29,88%percentile),真的是没有什么长进啊,惭愧。现在脑子比考试时候还差,能想起来几道算几道吧。 AWA: AA: The following appeared in an editorial from a newspaper serving the town of Saluda. “The Saluda Consolidated High School offers over 200 different courses from which its students can choose. A much smaller private school down the street offers a basic curriculum of only 80 different courses, but it consistently sends a higher proportion of its graduating seniors on to college than Consolidated does. By eliminating at least half of the courses offered there and focusing on a basic curriculum, we could improve student performance at Consolidated and also save many tax dollars.” AI: “Scientists are continually redefining the standards for what is beneficial or harmful to the environment. Since these standards keep shifting, companies should resist changing their products and processes in response to each new recommendation until those recommendations become government regulations.” Math: 1) 7^468被10除余数是几?我算是1 2) AB=2, CD=BD, BC=1, 问角ACD=?30度 [attachimg]51072[/attachimg] 3) 平行四边形ABCD,给出ACD坐标,问B坐标。 一条抛物线y=x(6-x),有一点P在抛物线与x轴之间,问坐标不可能是哪个? 4) DS:[d] represents the least interger larger than or equal to d, is [2d]=0? 条件1: [d]=0 条件2: [3d]=0 d有可能是0或者-1/3<d<0 5) x^4-y^4被3除,余数是几 条件1: x-y被3除余0 条件2: x+y被3除余2 6) 里面的长方形面积是110,长和宽差1,外面的长方形各边与里面长方形各边距离均为1,两个长方形之间的部分面积是多少?(原题是地面上面被什么东西cover,问没有cover的部分面积) [attachimg]51073[/attachimg] 7) 两平行线,一条上面4个点,另外一条上面5各点,问这以这9个点为顶点,能画多少个三角形。 目前只能想起这么多了,头腾的厉害。 verbal我答得很差,逻辑一片混乱,阅读也糊里糊涂的,语法还凑合吧。整体感觉就是晕,跟一战一样晕,也许我就这个水平了。 今天下午考试的人好多啊,而且几乎都是考GMAT的(我一战的时候,就四五个人考试,只有两个考GMAT)跟我一起进的有三个印度人,还居然有一个是NTU一届的,跟我说心里很害怕只有周末复习啥的,不过那个印度mm比我走得早,没问她考的怎么样。 我的心理素质简直差到一定程度了,一到考试前两天,就紧张的不行。平时做GWD的时候也还挺有感觉的,一见真章就掉链子。我就只能拿这个分先申请试试了。 感觉有点愧对江东父老,身边好多朋友鼓励,还有两位NN亲自指点,结果自己不争气,700都上不去。。。55555 另:月初考试可能确实不太容易,考出来700以上的就算N人了。 没考的兄弟姐妹们,千万想办法调整好情绪,GOOD LUCK!
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-9 20:55:48编辑过] |