CR 题号请对照本月CR汇总,红字部分稍作修改。
这个月的CR JJ实在很全,大家要好好利用,看JJ时建议把reasoning都想过一遍,批判着看,不要只记答案。
1. GWD上的那题,把价格讲下来可以拿到公司的bonus那题,说降价的策略不会有预期的结果。 GWD 21-40 参考答案:E A manufacturer of workstations for computer-aided design seeks to increase sales to its most important corporate customers. Its strategy is to publish very low list prices for workstations in order to generate interest among the buyers for those corporations.
Which of the following, if characteristic of the marketplace, would tend to cause the manufacture’s strategy to fail?
A. The proposed list prices would seem low to a typical buyer for the manufacturer’s most important corporate customers. B. The capabilities of workstations suitable for given jobs are not significantly different among various manufactures. C. The manufacturer’s most important corporate customers employ as buyers persons who are very knowledgeable about prices for workstations for customer-aided design. D. customers differ significantly in the percentage of resources they can devote to computer workstations. (E) E. Buyers for corporations that purchase workstations for computer-aided design receive bonuses for negotiating large discounts from the list price.
31. 到一个地方上班,必须经过两座桥中的一座。其中一座要翻修,政府决定停止收费。但为了保证总的费用不变,要增加另外一个桥的TOLL。政府知道更多的人要使用后面的桥,问为什么政府的计划会成功。选因为会很麻烦,所以大家不会改变使用TOLL的习惯。
41.(这题不好选,大家考时要特别关注划线的两句话,不容易读懂,或许我理解有误)太阳能电板靠太阳能发电可减少电费,一个镇的居民很少呆在家里来节省电,因为安装太阳能电板太贵,所以镇上安装太阳能电板的居民不是因为经济原因。问Assumption答案有1.太阳能发电不再有效率2.电费比以前便宜3.他们用的电板都是当地生产的 4.安装太阳能电板不会increase house value (我选的是4,但到底什么叫house value……) 44. 刊登医药广告(GWD的) GWD1-18: 参考答案:E It is illegal to advertise prescription medications in Hedland except in professional medical journals or by mail directly to physicians. A proposed law would allow general advertising of prescription medications. Opponents object that, in general, laypersons lack the specialized knowledge to evaluate such advertisements and might ask their physicians for inappropriate medications. But since physicians have the final say as to whether to prescribe a medication for a patient, the objection provides no grounds for concern.
Which of the following would it be most useful to establish in order to evaluate the argument?
- Whether nonprescription medications can interact with and block the action of any prescription medications that could be advertised to the general public
- Whether most prescription medication advertisements directed at the general public would be advertisements for recently developed medications newly available by prescription
- Whether prescription medication advertisements directed at the general public would appear on television and radio as well as in print
- Whether physicians are more likely to pay attention to advertising directed to the general public than to advertising directed to physicians
- Whether physicians are likely to succumb to pressure from patients to prescribe inappropriate medications
46. 某组织倡导把临河的一种什么鱼引入某河,可以增加该鱼数量。但是原来这河里有人工养的这种鱼,仍然都被钓鱼的人钓光了。所以该计划不会增加此鱼数量。问weaken。选:人工养的鱼防范钓鱼的人的能力弱(这个有把握)。 错误选项有:该组织是保护钓鱼人利益的。(题目和原po描述的好像有些不同,但基本上思路是一样的,答案是原来就存在的鱼防范人类捕获的能力弱)
SC 居然考到pp的题目 
RC 4篇都是JJ,但大家对待RC JJ的心态一定要正确,双面刃很多人都经历过,我的建议是,RC JJ要看就要看熟,要嘛就不看,只是随便看看稍微有印象,考试又忍不住会回想的人绝对是最危险的。
1. US women's property rights (长) 1st段:虽然women有nominal property rights,但早期common law 规定wife在世时husband可以control wife的property rights,wife过世后husband则可继承。整段大意就是早期women's property rights没保障。 2nd段:后来一个新的法案通过,women's property rights获得保障。学者A认为这个法律substantially changed women's social status。但(转折)学者B反驳A,认为是存在已久的"equity court"提供remedy且改变妇女地位。 3rd段:转折,换学者C反驳B,C认为equity court其实在很多州仍然对妇女不友善(hostile);而且多数property transfer是因为husban害怕破产所以才转给wife。 题目: 1. 主旨题:选有chronicle那个 2. B对equity court的看法:improve women's status 3. 考C的观点,题目忘了。
2. grey market (短) 前人JJ已经很全,内容恕不重述。但短文章干扰选项很多,不可大意。 题目: 1. 主旨题:选explain……(有个选项长的很像,小心判断。) 2. 二、三段的作用:第二段介绍gray market有利于Manufacturing and authorized retailers的条件,第三段解释为什么在这样的条件下会有利。(另一选项二段的描述一样,但三段叙述稍微不同,小心判断) 3. 关于authorized retailers的infer:专注在特定客户群可以带来利润
3. 3. women’s suffrage (短) 文章内容不是GWD-11-Q35 -Q37当代女权主义者对20年代妇女选举权运动的评价,前人JJ的内容和我考到的是同一篇,所以文章不是 GWD这篇,只是主题类似。
1st段:1920’s时的feminist大多认为anti-suffragist反对women’s suffrage的理由是因为anti-suffragist认为women应该专心于domesticity。但(转折)事实并非如此。 2nd段:根据anti-suffragist发行的杂志描述,他们反对的理由是因为women’s suffrage会影响women原本在social activity的影响力,也违背了women内在的politically disinterested。 题目: 1. 主旨题:反驳一个common view 2. 1920’s时的feminist认为anti-suffragist主张:women应该专心于domesticity 3. 作者认为?infer题:politically disinterested有助于women’s social activity
4. 公司联营(alliance)的两种方式 大奶驴NN几乎把全文都贴出来了(强者!),请大家参考他的文章。 题目:(部分引用大奶驴文章) 1. 主旨题:好像是discuss…… 2. 同文章中asset-sharing的例子进行类比,下列哪个组合也属于asset-sharing?:选一个加油站和一个快餐连锁店合作,在汽车加油时快餐店借机出售快餐。 3. 问段三中超奢华大酒店和一个穷酸小旅馆合并的例子,下列哪个解释是合理的?:选两者合作的成功前景是有限(limited)的,因为去超奢华大酒店和穷酸小旅馆住宿的顾客通常不是一伙人。(干扰选项,第一句也提到limited,但第二句不同。) 4. brand-sharing和asset-sharing的差异:好像是asset-sharing是为了save cost
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-22 16:35:36编辑过] |