回答楼主 逻辑题 C不对是因为第一句话已经告诉你知道今年基因改变过的corn还是有抗药性的。这道题的模型可以看成是这样的:虫子的damage/种的corn总数,由于基因改变过的corn还是有抗药性的(第一句话中的premise),第二句话排除它因,虫子not necessarily developing resistance to the cotton’s insecticide。第三句话more corn than usual was planted throughout cotton-growing regions,分母变大,并且没有说这个corn是不是基因改变过的;如果是基因改变过的corn,就不会有This year the plantings are being seriously damaged by bollworms(由文中前两句话推出)。对B的回答正好解释文章中的矛盾 语法题 我还是认为语法题再用关键点排除一部分选项后需要用语意才可以。解释如下: a burst of smoke would appear when the bag inflated and make an already terrified passenger think the car was on fire 如D中,make 的先行词是a burst
a burst of smoke would appear when the bag inflated to make an already terrified passenger think the car was on fire 如E中,make短语作为a burst of smoke would appear when the bag inflated 的结果状语 比较一下,我觉得“一件事”比“一个东西”要好
个人看法,请大家指正 already terrified passenger think the car was on fire 如E中,make短语作为a burst of smoke would appear when the bag inflated 的结果状语 比较一下,我觉得“一件事”比“一个东西”要好
个人看法,请大家指正 |