MBA graduate must be viewed by potential employers as having exceptional leadership qualities, intellectual strength, senior-level career-path aspirations, excellent verbal and written communication skills, and a readiness to immediately contribute to their organization. Give specific work-setting examples of your abilities in each of these areas.
请问: 1) intellectual strength是个很泛的概念,如果我举一个工作中灵活处理一个问题的例子会不会小了点? 2)senior-level career-path aspirations用升职的例子好还是用工作中遇到的难题解决例子好? 3)excellent verbal and written communication skills, and a readiness 觉得这个能力好象比较难证明 3)我是不是对这些能力都要分别举例,而且必须工作中的例子?
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