if today's employers donot rely on honors ranking in making their hiring decisions then the steps taken by the colleges to control grade inflation will not restore confidence in the degrees.
still confused, why not C???? if today's employers donot rely on honors ranking in making their hiring decisions then the steps taken by the colleges to control grade inflation will not restore confidence in the degrees.
(B) Awarding too many honors degrees causes colleges to inflate grades.
B is wrong because in the stimulus, it already said "Today, however, because of grade inflation, the honors degree goes to more than 50 percent of a graduating class." Therefore, grade inflation CAUSES too many honors; not too many honors causes grade inflation. However, reversing the premise won't weaken the argument. It just makes it more confusing.
For this assumption, it is not necessarily a perfect case to use negation in order to find the answer since it is not asking for a necessary assumption in the first place. Simply shore up the argument in any way you can would do it.