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People who have spent a lot of time in contact with animals often develop animal-induced allergies, some of them quite serious. In a survey of current employees in major zoos, about 30 percent had animal-induced allergies. Based on this sample, experts conclude that among members of the general population who have spent a similarly large amount of time in close contact with animals, the percentage with animal-induced allergies is not 30 percent but substantially more.

Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest grounds for the experts' conclusion?

正确答案: A









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[原创]8.17 一战 JJ贡献

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发表于 2006-8-17 17:41:00 | 只看该作者

[原创]8.17 一战 JJ贡献



AI 21. “Job security and salary should be based on employee performance, not on years of service. Rewarding employees primarily for years of service discourages people from maintaining consistently high levels of productivity.”

AA 9. The following appeared in the opinion column of a financial magazine.

“On average, middle-aged consumers devote 39 percent of their retail expenditure to department store products and services, while for younger consumers the average is only 25 percent. Since the number of middle-aged people will increase dramatically within the next decade, department stores can expect retail sales to increase significantly during that period. Furthermore, to take advantage of the trend, these stores should begin to replace some of those products intended to attract the younger consumer with products intended to attract the middle-aged consumer.”




1.  求由x>=2, y<=3, y<=9-x 围成的面积

2.  三角形三个顶点是(2-2),(11),(00),求面积

3.  X^2/绝对值x (简单吧)

4.  b是否小于01) a+b<0  2) ab>0



SC GWD-25-Q5

For many revisionist historians, Christopher Columbus has come to personify devastation and enslavement in the name of progress that has decimated native peoples of the Western Hemisphere.

A.    devastation and enslavement in the name of progress that has decimated native peoples of the Western Hemisphere

B.     devastation and enslavement in the name of progress by which native peoples of the Western Hemisphere decimated

C.     devastating and enslaving in the name of progress those native peoples of the Western Hemisphere which in the name of progress are decimated.

D.    devastating and enslaving those native peoples of the western Hemisphere which in the name of progress are decimated.

E.     the devastation and enslavement in the name of progress that have decimated the native peoples of the Western Hemisphere.

CR: 一种鱼,在它生存的范围里没有predator, 政府为了控制这种鱼的增长,奖励那些捕到这种鱼的渔民。通过这种措施,就能使这种鱼不危害到这里的其他一些珍稀鱼类。问evaluate措施是否成功。



People who have spent a lot of time in contact with animals often develop animal-induced allergies, some of them quite serious. In a survey of current employees in major zoos, about 30 percent had animal-induced allergies. Based on this sample, experts conclude that among members of the general population who have spent a similarly large amount of time in close contact with animals, the percentage with animal-induced allergies is not 30 percent but substantially more.

Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest grounds for the experts’ conclusion?

A.    A zoo employee who develops a serious animal-induced allergy is very likely to switch to some other occupation.

B.     A zoo employee is more likely than a person in the general population to keep one or more animal pets at home

C.     The percentage of the general population whose level of exposure to animals matches that of a zoo employee is quite small.

D.    Exposure to domestic pets is, on the whole, less likely to cause animal-induced allergy than exposure to many of the animals kept in zoos.

E.     Zoo employees seldom wear protective gear when they handle animals in their care.


1.       亚当斯米 2.       帝王蝶

3.       GWD海豹  4.       研究北美土著

最想说的是,感谢CD,感谢大家的帮助! 大家一定要坚持, 再难受再恶心也要坚持,一定会有回报的!

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-17 18:14:11编辑过]
发表于 2006-8-17 17:43:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-8-17 17:52:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-8-17 18:02:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2006-8-17 18:04:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2006-8-17 18:10:00 | 只看该作者


 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-17 18:11:00 | 只看该作者


发表于 2006-8-17 18:12:00 | 只看该作者



发表于 2006-8-17 18:14:00 | 只看该作者

SC GWD-25-Q5

For many revisionist historians, Christopher Columbus has come to personify devastation and enslavement in the name of progress that has decimated native peoples of the Western Hemisphere.

A.    devastation and enslavement in the name of progress that has decimated native peoples of the Western Hemisphere

B.     devastation and enslavement in the name of progress by which native peoples of the Western Hemisphere decimated

C.     devastating and enslaving in the name of progress those native peoples of the Western Hemisphere which in the name of progress are decimated.

D.    devastating and enslaving those native peoples of the western Hemisphere which in the name of progress are decimated.

E.     the devastation and enslavement in the name of progress that have decimated the native peoples of the Western Hemisphere.


请问楼主 你这道GWD争议题 选了什么答案 是A 还是 E阿?


 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-17 18:16:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用zimerman在2006-8-17 18:14:00的发言:

SC GWD-25-Q5

For many revisionist historians, Christopher Columbus has come to personify devastation and enslavement in the name of progress that has decimated native peoples of the Western Hemisphere.

A.    devastation and enslavement in the name of progress that has decimated native peoples of the Western Hemisphere

B.     devastation and enslavement in the name of progress by which native peoples of the Western Hemisphere decimated

C.     devastating and enslaving in the name of progress those native peoples of the Western Hemisphere which in the name of progress are decimated.

D.    devastating and enslaving those native peoples of the western Hemisphere which in the name of progress are decimated.

E.     the devastation and enslavement in the name of progress that have decimated the native peoples of the Western Hemisphere.


请问楼主 你这道GWD争议题 选了什么答案 是A 还是 E阿?


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