以下是引用sigrid920在2006-12-24 12:02:00的发言:今天重看了GWD1-13的假设部分, 又发现一些不太清楚的地方, 拿出来大家讨论讨论~~闹闹^-^可能就是你正看看的呢, 我现在都还米有搞清楚~~汗~~希望我不会再将这里弄成逻辑的海洋~~
In the past the country of Siduria has relied heavily on imported oil. Siduria recently implemented a program to convert heating systems from oil to natural gas. Siduria already produces more natural gas each year than it burns, and oil production in Sidurian oil fields is increasing at a steady pace. If these trends in fuel production and usage continue, therefore, Sidurian reliance on foreign sources for fuel should decline soon.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
- In Siduria the rate of fuel consumption is rising no more quickly than the rate of fuel production.
- Domestic production of natural gas is rising faster than is domestic production of oil in Siduria.
- No fuel other than natural gas is expected to be used as a replacement for oil in Siduria.
- Buildings cannot be heated by solar energy rather than by oil or natural gas.
- All new homes that are being built will have natural-gas-burning heating systems.
这一题, 我十分赞同选(A), 但是有个疑问, 题目说Siduria already produces more natural gas each year than it burns, and oil production in Sidurian oil fields is increasing at a steady pace. If these trends in fuel production and usage continue, 我记得lawyer说, 带有IF 结论的题目中, IF条件是前提, 怎么感觉(A)与题目前提重复了呢? 好像就是把题目中的前提复述了一遍, 也算是假设吗?
偶不认为这是重复题目前提。来看看,题目说的是:already produce(一直以来都是这样), A选项用的是is rising(将来会这样)。更准确来说题目说的是过去+现在,而只有加上了A说的将来,这个assumption才完整了。
偶不认为这是重复题目前提。来看看,题目说的是:already produce(一直以来都是这样), A选项用的是is rising(将来会这样)。更准确来说题目说的是过去+现在,而只有加上了A说的将来,这个assumption才完整了。
Agricultural societies cannot exist without staple crops. Several food plants, such as kola and okra, are known to have been domesticated in western Africa, but they are all supplemental, not staple, foods. All the recorded staple crops grown in western Africa were introduced from elsewhere, beginning, at some unknown date, with rice and yams. Therefore, discovering when rice and yams were introduced into western Africa would establish the earliest date at which agricultural societies could have arisen there.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A. People in western Africa did not develop staple crops that they stopped cultivating once rice and yams were introduced.
B. There are no plants native to western Africa that, if domesticated, could serve as staple food crops. 没有涉及关键问题:时间
C. Rice and yams were grown as staple crops by the earliest agricultural societies outside of western Africa.
D. Kola and okra are better suited to growing conditions in western Africa than domesticated rice and yams are.
E. Kola and okra were domesticated in western Africa before rice and yams were introduced there.
我同意答案(A), 但是我又觉得这是一个重复前提的选项. 前提是无主要作物就无农业社会,论据是在米和番薯引入西非之前,西非没有主要作物,结论是西非的农业社会是从米和番薯的引入开始的(文章中是时间)。其假设是在米和番薯之前,西非没有主要作物。a说明,此前确实没有。
题目已经告诉你了没有主要作物了, 怎么还假设呢?
这个题目其实比较诈,就诈在丽香MM hightlight红色的recorded上了。A其实也不尽完美,它应该说明这些中途退出历史舞台的作物是米有历史记载的。
这个题目其实比较诈,就诈在丽香MM hightlight红色的recorded上了。A其实也不尽完美,它应该说明这些中途退出历史舞台的作物是米有历史记载的。
这两个题目的答案我都非常同意~~但是不明白的是, 为什么对题目条件的重复也可以做假设呢?