以下是引用wei_wangyan在2006-12-25 21:25:00的发言:这道题的争议选项太多了,偶选的A,虽然选的时候比较迷糊,但现在想了想,还是觉得A对: 目前的学生老师比要高于最近一次衰退时的数值,也就是说,现在雇的老师并不多,比上次衰退时还少。这样就加强结论:衰退期再也不会减少公立学校的老师。 很多NN选B,但是B的确需要一个假设啊:recession的时候,学生会由私立转向公立学校。 做逻辑的支持题,可以这样自己先推理一下(或者说加个假设)吗? GWD-12-Q11: In general, jobs are harder to get in times of economic recession because many businesses cut back operations. However, any future recessions in Vargonia will probably not reduce the availability of teaching jobs at government-funded schools. This is because Vargonia has just introduced a legal requirement that education in government-funded schools be available, free of charge, to all Vargonian children regardless of the state of the economy, and that current student-teacher ratios not be exceeded. Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument? - The current student-teacher ratio at Vargonia’s government-funded schools is higher than it was during the most recent period of economic recession.
- During recent periods when the Vargonian economy has been strong, almost 25 percent of Vargonian children have attended privately funded schools, many of which charge substantial fees.
- Nearly 20 percent more teachers are currently employed in Vargonia’s government-funded schools than had been employed in those schools in the period before the last economic recession.
- Teachers in Vargonia’s government-funded schools are well paid relative to teachers in most privately funded schools in Vargonia, many of which rely heavily on part-time teachers.
- During the last economic recession in Vargonia, the government permanently closed a number of the schools that it had funded.
闹闹,这题是挺伤脑筋的,但偶还是认为B比较好,来看: 结论是:any future recessions in Vargonia will probably not reduce the availability of teaching jobs at government-funded schools. 理由是:This is because Vargonia has just introduced a legal requirement that education in government-funded schools be available, free of charge, to all Vargonian children regardless of the state of the economy, and that current student-teacher ratios not be exceeded. B的确是需要一个前提,但与其说是assumption,偶认为这似乎更接近于一个common sense。也就是说经济衰退时,人们的收入自然减少,由于私立学校的收费是substantial的,这部分人会更倾向于转向公立学校是很正常的反应。 再看A,你认为A就不需要一个assumption吗?A其实也assume了在这次recession里面,student的数量不会减少从而导致那个student-teacher rate变小,注意题目的理由只是说current student-teacher ratios not be exceeded。 个人认为这题出得不尽完美,它结论里的any本身就是一个大问题。但A与B比较,B还是better的,别忘了题目所说的理由里面有个很重要的free of charge,而与经济结合得比较好的自然是B。 |