有了目标,有了动力,才真正体会做不出题来的时候那种焦急滋味!! 大家都比我进度快,看一下下面这道逻辑题,是不是都已经很清楚了?刚才跟LG费了半个多小时,又看了讨论贴才算搞懂了,最后他说这是个超简单的逻辑题,只是阅读这一关没过。 大全-3-20. The following proposal to amend the bylaws of an organization was circulated to its members for comment. When more than one nominee is to be named for an office, prospective nominees must consent to nomination and before giving such consent must be told who the other nominees will be. Which of the following comments concerning the logic of the proposal is accurate if it cannot be known who the actual nominees are until prospective nominees have given their consent to be nominated? (A) The proposal would make it possible for each of several nominees for an office to be aware of who all of the other nominees are. (B) The proposal would widen the choice available to those choosing among the nominees. (C) If there are several prospective nominees, the proposal would deny the last nominee equal treatment with the first. (D) The proposal would enable a prospective nominee to withdraw from competition with a specific person without making that withdrawal known.(E) (E) If there is more than one prospective nominee, the proposal would make it impossible for anyone to become a nominee. |