这是本月一个阅读JJ, 偶的GWD没有做完,也不知道是哪个上面滴, 只有发在这里大家确认一下哈. 晕~~把文章翻译完后又忘了自己想要问什么了~~汗~~ 算了, 还是发上来给YAOMM参考. 哦~~想起来鸟, 就是问黄色部分怎样理解.谢谢~!!
Citing the fact that the real gross 根据1997年美国的GDP per capital 比以往都高, 一些记 domestic product (GDP) per capita was 者就说美国的经济在1997年是最理想的. 但是, GDP总 higher in 1997 than ever before, some 是会比以往高, 只在经济萧条时才下滑. Line journalists have argued that the United (5) States economy performed ideally in 1997. // However, the real GDP is almost always higher than ever before; it falls only during recessions. One point these journalists overlooked is that in 这些记者忽视的一点是在1997年,和它之前的24年, GDP (10) 1997, as in the twenty-four years imme- per capital每年增长1.5%,比1873-1973年的平均值慢 diately preceding it, the real GDP per 得多. capita grew nearly one-half percent a year more slowly than it had on aver- age between 1873 and 1973. Were the 如果1997年的经济真的像说得那么繁荣的话,1997年的 (15) 1997 economy as robust as claimed, GDP增长率就应该超过1873-1973的增长率.the growth rate of real GDP per capita the growth rate of real GDP per capita the growth rate of real GDP per capita the growth rate of real GDP per capita in 1997 would have surpassed the average growth rate of real GDP per capita between 1873 and 1973 because 因为1997年有超过50%的人口在工作,而1873-1973只 (20) over fifty percent of the population 40%的人工作. worked for wages in 1997 whereas only forty percent worked for wages between 1873 and 1973. If the growth 如果1997年生产力的增长与1873-1973的相同,1997年 rate of labor productivity (output per 的GDP应该比现在的值大. (25) hour of goods and services) in 1997 had equaled its average growth rate between 1873 and 1973 of more than two percent, then, given the proportion- ately larger workforce that existed in (30) 1997, real GDP per capita in 1997 would have been higher than it actually was, since output is a major factor in GDP. However, because labor productivity 但是, 因为1997年的生产力只增长了1%, 所以1997年 grew by only one percent in 1997, real GDP的增长比1873-1973慢. (35) GDP per capita grew more slowly in 1997 than it had on average between 1873 and 1973. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q35: The passage is primarily concerned with - comparing various measures used to assess the performance of the United States economy in 1997
- providing evidence that the performance of the United States economy in 1997 was similar to its performance between 1873 and 1973
- evaluating an argument concerning the performance of the United States economy in1997
- examining the consequences of a popular misconception about the performance of the United States economy in 1997
- supporting an assertion made by journalists about the performance of the United States economy in 1997
Answer: C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q36: According to the passage, which of the following is true of the average rate at which real GDP per capita grew in the twenty-four years immediately before 1997? - It was less than it had been between 1873 and 1973 because only forty percent of the population worked for wages between 1873 and 1973.
- It was less than it had been between 1873 and 1973 because labor productivity grew less between 1973 and 1997 than it had between 1873 and 1973.
- It was less than it had been between 1873 and 1973 as a result of an increase in the percentage of the population earning wages during these years.
- It was less than the average rate at which real GDP per capita grew between 1873 and 1973.
- It was less than the rate at which real GDP per capita grew in 1997.
Answer: D -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q37: It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is the reason that the author faults the journalists referred to in line 4?
- They believe that the real GDP per capita in 1997 was higher than the real GDP per capita had ever been before.
- They argue that the rate at which real GDP per capita grew in 1997 was faster than the average rate at which it had grown between 1873 and 1973.
- They overestimate the effect of labor productivity on the real GDP per capita in 1997.
- They overestimate the amount by which real GDP per capita in 1997 surpassed real GDP per capita in earlier years.
- They fail to consider the real GDP per capita in 1997 within an appropriate historical context.
Answer: E
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-27 10:36:19编辑过] |